
Trung-Kien Nguyen

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8EEViet-Hoang Le, Trung-Kien Nguyen, Seok-Kyun Han, Sang-Gug Lee: A 900 MHz RF Transmitter with Output LO Suppression. IEICE Transactions 90-C(1): 201-203 (2007)
7EETrung-Kien Nguyen, Sang-Gug Lee: A sub-mA, high-gain CMOS low-noise amplifier for 2.4 GHz applications. ISCAS 2006
6EEViet-Hoang Le, Trung-Kien Nguyen, Seok-Kyun Han, Sang-Gug Lee, S. B. Hyun: Low power high linearity transmitter front-end for 900 MHz Zigbee applications. ISCAS 2006
5EETrung-Kien Nguyen, Sang-Gug Lee: Low-voltage, low-power CMOS operation transconductance amplifier with rail-to-rail differential input range. ISCAS 2006
4 Quoc-Hoang Duong, Trung-Kien Nguyen, Sang-Gug Lee: Ultra low-voltage low-power exponential voltage-mode circuit with tunable output range. ISCAS (2) 2004: 729-732
3 Quoc-Hoang Duong, Trung-Kien Nguyen, Sang-Gug Lee: CMOS exponential current-to-voltage circuit based on newly proposed approximation method. ISCAS (2) 2004: 865-868
2 Trung-Kien Nguyen, Yang-Moon Su, Sang-Gug Lee: A power constrained simultaneous noise and input matched low noise amplifier design technique. ISCAS (4) 2004: 281-284
1EEQuoc-Hoang Duong, Trung-Kien Nguyen, Sang-Gug Lee: Low-voltage low-power high dB-linear CMOS exponential function generator using highly-linear V-I converter. ISLPED 2003: 349-352

Coauthor Index

1Quoc-Hoang Duong [1] [3] [4]
2Seok-Kyun Han [6] [8]
3S. B. Hyun [6]
4Viet-Hoang Le [6] [8]
5Sang-Gug Lee [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] [8]
6Yang-Moon Su [2]

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)