
Thanh Binh Nguyen

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4EEThanh Binh Nguyen, Wolfgang Schoepp, Fabian Wagner: GAINS-BI: business intelligent approach for greenhouse gas and air pollution interactions and synergies information system. iiWAS 2008: 332-338
3EEAnh Duong Hoang Thi, Thanh Binh Nguyen: Description logic approach for query processing over distributed learning metadata repositories. RIVF 2006: 90-99
2EEThanh Binh Nguyen, Mohamed T. Ibrahim: Metadata Integration Framework for Managing Forest Heterogeneous Information Resources. DEXA Workshops 2004: 586-591
1EEThanh Binh Nguyen, Mohamed T. Ibrahim: GFIS Pro - A Tool for Managing Forest Information Resources. DEXA 2003: 622-630

Coauthor Index

1Mohamed T. Ibrahim [1] [2]
2Wolfgang Schoepp [4]
3Anh Duong Hoang Thi [3]
4Fabian Wagner [4]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)