
D. T. Nguyen

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8EEWayn J. Gillespie, D. T. Nguyen: Video classification using a tree-based RBF network. ICIP (3) 2005: 465-468
7EEV. T. Kieu, D. T. Nguyen: Surface fitting approach for reducing blocking artifacts in low bitrate DCT decoded images. ICIP (3) 2001: 150-153
6EET. Le-Tien, H. Talhami, D. T. Nguyen: Detection of the local maxima in time-frequency and time-scale representations. ANZIIS 1996: 43-46
5 L. W. Diamond, D. T. Nguyen, P. Ralph, B. Sheridan, A. Bak, C. Kessler, D. Muncer: Field Evaluations of a Knowledge-Based System for Peripheral Blood Interpretation. AIME 1995: 221-230
4 D. T. Nguyen, I. A. Park, P. Cherubino, P. B. Tamino, L. W. Diamond: Knowledge-Based Systems for Lymph Node Pathology: A Comparison of Two Approaches. AIME 1995: 251-261
3 Marc A. Stoksik, Richard G. Lane, D. T. Nguyen: Practical Synthesis of Accurate Fractal Images. CVGIP: Graphical Model and Image Processing 57(3): 206-219 (1995)
2EEDaryoush Habibi, D. J. H. Lewis, D. T. Nguyen, J. Pieloor: Analysis of an access node multiplexer in a system serving CBR and VBR traffic. Computer Communications 16(12): 776-780 (1993)
1EEK. C. Chua, D. T. Nguyen: Bit-rate compression and restricted access strategy for integrated services digital networks. Computer Communications 13(2): 67-72 (1990)

Coauthor Index

1A. Bak [5]
2P. Cherubino [4]
3K. C. Chua [1]
4L. W. Diamond [4] [5]
5Wayn J. Gillespie [8]
6Daryoush Habibi [2]
7C. Kessler [5]
8V. T. Kieu [7]
9Richard G. Lane [3]
10T. Le-Tien [6]
11D. J. H. Lewis [2]
12D. Muncer [5]
13I. A. Park [4]
14J. Pieloor [2]
15P. Ralph [5]
16B. Sheridan [5]
17Marc A. Stoksik [3]
18H. Talhami [6]
19P. B. Tamino [4]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)