
Hung Quoc Ngo

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3EEVu Cong Duy Hoang, Dien Dinh, Nguyen Le Nguyen, Hung Quoc Ngo: A Comparative Study on Vietnamese Text Classification Methods. RIVF 2007: 267-273
2EEAnjum Shehzad, Hung Quoc Ngo, Sungyoung Lee, Young-Koo Lee: A Comprehensive Middleware Architecture for Context-Aware Ubiquitous Computing Systems. ACIS-ICIS 2005: 251-256
1EEHung Quoc Ngo, Anjum Shehzad, Kim Anh Pham Ngoc, Sungyoung Lee, Manwoo Jeon: Research Issues in the Development of Context-Aware Middleware Architectures. RTCSA 2005: 459-462

Coauthor Index

1Dien Dinh [3]
2Vu Cong Duy Hoang [3]
3Manwoo Jeon [1]
4Sungyoung Lee [1] [2]
5Young-Koo Lee [2]
6Kim Anh Pham Ngoc [1]
7Nguyen Le Nguyen [3]
8Anjum Shehzad [1] [2]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)