
M. A. Ngadi

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3EEJ. M. Sharif, M. S. Latiff, M. A. Ngadi, A. B. A. Hamid, M. S. S. Omar, M. M. A. Jamil: Spatio-temporal Application for Collaborative Issues in Bioinformatics Datasets. CSSE (2) 2008: 862-865
2EEM. A. Ngadi, Bernard S. Doherty: Serverless Web-Multicast Chat System for Multi-users. ICWE 2003: 519-522
1EEM. A. Ngadi, Bernard S. Doherty: Multi-users shared whiteboard under Web-multicast system. ISICT 2003: 493-498

Coauthor Index

1Bernard S. Doherty [1] [2]
2A. B. A. Hamid [3]
3M. M. A. Jamil [3]
4M. S. Latiff [3]
5M. S. S. Omar [3]
6J. M. Sharif [3]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)