
Yiu-Kai Ng

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51EEMaria Soledad Pera, Yiu-Kai Ng: SpamED: A spam E-mail detection approach based on phrase similarity. JASIST 60(2): 393-409 (2009)
50EEStephen Lynn, Yiu-Kai Ng: Using Vagueness Measures to Re-rank Documents Retrieved by a Fuzzy Set Information Retrieval Model. FSKD (5) 2008: 39-43
49EEMaria Soledad Pera, Yiu-Kai Ng: Identifying Spam Web Pages Based on Content Similarity. ICCSA (2) 2008: 204-219
48EENathaniel Gustafson, Maria Soledad Pera, Yiu-Kai Ng: Generating Fuzzy Equivalence Classes on RSS News Articles for Retrieving Correlated Information. ICCSA (2) 2008: 232-247
47EENathaniel Gustafson, Yiu-Kai Ng: Augmenting Data Retrieval with Information Retrieval Techniques by Using Word Similarity. NLDB 2008: 163-174
46EENathaniel Gustafson, Maria Soledad Pera, Yiu-Kai Ng: Nowhere to Hide: Finding Plagiarized Documents Based on Sentence Similarity. Web Intelligence 2008: 690-696
45EEXiaochun Yang, Yiu-Kai Ng: Answering form-based web queries using the data-mining approach. J. Intell. Inf. Syst. 30(1): 1-32 (2008)
44EEMaria Soledad Pera, Yiu-Kai Ng: Using word similarity to eradicate junk emails. CIKM 2007: 943-946
43EEJun won Lee, Yiu-Kai Ng: Using Fuzzy-Word Correlation Factors to Compute Document Similarity Based on Phrase Matching. FSKD (2) 2007: 186-192
42EEMaria Soledad Pera, Yiu-Kai Ng: Finding Similar RSS News Articles Using Correlation-Based Phrase Matching. KSEM 2007: 336-348
41EEXiaochun Yang, Lin Li, Yiu-Kai Ng, Bin Wang, Ge Yu: Associated Load Shedding Strategies for Computing Multi-joins in Sensor Networks. DASFAA 2006: 50-64
40EEIan Garcia, Yiu-Kai Ng: Eliminating Redundant and Less-Informative RSS News Articles Based on Word Similarity and a Fuzzy Equivalence Relation. ICTAI 2006: 465-473
39EEJonathan Koberstein, Yiu-Kai Ng: Using Word Clusters to Detect Similar Web Documents. KSEM 2006: 215-228
38EERajiv Yerra, Yiu-Kai Ng: A Sentence-Based Copy Detection Approach for Web Documents. FSKD (1) 2005: 557-570
37EERajiv Yerra, Yiu-Kai Ng: Detecting similar HTML documents using a fuzzy set information retrieval approach. GrC 2005: 693-699
36EESeung Jin Lim, Yiu-Kai Ng: Categorizing and Extracting Information from Multilingual HTML Documents. IDEAS 2005: 415-422
35EESeung Jin Lim, Yiu-Kai Ng: Change Discovery of Hierarchically Structured, Order-Sensitive Data in HTML/XML Documents. SAINT 2004: 178-187
34EEKelvin Lau, Yiu-Kai Ng: A Client-Based Web Prefetching Management System Based on Detection Theory. WCW 2004: 129-143
33EEJiaxin J. Gao, Dallan Quass, Yiu-Kai Ng: Selective-Splitting and Cache-Maintenance Algorithms for Associative-Client Caches. Distributed and Parallel Databases 16(1): 5-43 (2004)
32EELihua Zhang, Yiu-Kai Ng: A Query Engine for Retrieving Information from Chinese HTML Documents. Int. J. Comput. Proc. Oriental Lang. 17(3): 135-164 (2004)
31EEXiaochun Yang, Bin Wang, Yiu-Kai Ng, Ge Yu, Guoren Wang: A Protein Secondary Structure Prediction Framework Based on the Support Vector Machine. WAIM 2003: 266-277
30 Quan Wang, Yiu-Kai Ng: An Ontology-Based Binary-Categorization Approach for Recognizing Multiple-Record Web Documents Using a Probabilistic Retrieval Model. Inf. Retr. 6(3-4): 295-332 (2003)
29 Linus W. Kwong, Yiu-Kai Ng: Performing Binary-Categorization on Multiple-Record Web Documents Using Information Retrieval Models and Application Ontologies. World Wide Web 6(3): 281-303 (2003)
28EESeung Jin Lim, Yiu-Kai Ng, Xiaochun Yang: Integrating HTML Tables Using Semantic Hierarchies And Meta-Data Sets. IDEAS 2002: 160-169
27EEKelvin Lau, Yiu-Kai Ng: A Client-Based Web-Cache Management System. WAIM 2002: 379-386
26 Seung Jin Lim, Yiu-Kai Ng: An Automated Integration Approach for Semi-Structured and Structured Data. CODAS 2001: 15-24
25 Yiu-Kai Ng, June Tang, Michael A. Goodrich: A Binary-Categorization Approach for Classifying Multiple-Record Web Documents Using Application Ontologies and a Probabilistic Model. DASFAA 2001: 58-65
24EEDavid W. Embley, Yiu-Kai Ng, Li Xu: Recognizing Ontology-Applicable Multiple-Record Web Documents. ER 2001: 555-570
23EESeung Jin Lim, Yiu-Kai Ng: An Automated Change Detection Algorithm for HTML Documents Based on Semantic Hierarchies. ICDE 2001: 303-312
22EESeung Jin Lim, Yiu-Kai Ng: A Hybrid Fragmentation Approach for Distributed Deductive Database Systems. Knowl. Inf. Syst. 3(2): 198-224 (2001)
21EESeung Jin Lim, Yiu-Kai Ng: A Heuristic Approach for Converting HTML Documents to XML Documents. Computational Logic 2000: 1182-1196
20 June Tang, Yiu-Kai Ng: A Probabilistic Model for Classification of Multiple-Record Web Documents. OOIS 2000: 349-357
19EESeung Jin Lim, Yiu-Kai Ng: An Automated Approach for Retrieving Hierarchical Data from HTML Tables. CIKM 1999: 466-474
18EESeung Jin Lim, Yiu-Kai Ng: WebView: A Tool for Retrieving Internal Structures and Extracting Information from HTML Documents. DASFAA 1999: 71-80
17 Seung-Jin Kim, Yiu-Kai Ng: SemiLog: A Logic-Based Query Language for Hierarchical Data in Web Documents. ICSC 1999: 109-120
16EEDavid W. Embley, Y. S. Jiang, Yiu-Kai Ng: Record-Boundary Discovery in Web Documents. SIGMOD Conference 1999: 467-478
15EEDavid W. Embley, Douglas M. Campbell, Y. S. Jiang, Stephen W. Liddle, Yiu-Kai Ng, Dallan Quass, Randy D. Smith: Conceptual-Model-Based Data Extraction from Multiple-Record Web Pages. Data Knowl. Eng. 31(3): 227-251 (1999)
14EEDavid W. Embley, Douglas M. Campbell, Y. S. Jiang, Stephen W. Liddle, Yiu-Kai Ng, Dallan Quass, Randy D. Smith: A Conceptual-Modeling Approach to Extracting Data from the Web. ER 1998: 78-91
13 Seung Jin Lim, Yiu-Kai Ng: Constructing Hierarchical Information Structures of Sub-Page Level HTML Documents. FODO 1998: 66-75
12 Aparna Seetharaman, Yiu-Kai Ng: A Model-Forest Based Horizontal Fragmentation Approach for Disjunctive Deductive Databases. IDEAS 1998: 202-211
11 Seung-Jin Ling, Yiu-Kai Ng: Design and Analysis of Parallel Set-Term Unification. COCOON 1997: 321-330
10 Yiu-Kai Ng, Aparna Seetharaman: A Query-Based Horizontal Fragmentation Approach for Disjunctive Deductive Databases. DEXA Workshop 1997: 604-609
9 Aparna Seetharaman, Yiu-Kai Ng: A Minimal-Model Based Horizontal Fragmentation Algorithm for Disjunctive Deductive Databases. IDEAS 1997: 94-103
8EESeung Jin Lim, Yiu-Kai Ng: Vertical Fragmentation and Allocation in Distributed Deductive Database Systems. Inf. Syst. 22(1): 1-24 (1997)
7EEDavid W. Embley, Stephen W. Liddle, Yiu-Kai Ng: On Harmonically Combining Active, Object-Oriented, and Deductive Databases. ADBIS 1996: 21-30
6 Seung Jin Lim, Yiu-Kai Ng: A Formal Approach for Horizontal Fragmentation in Distributed Deductive Database Design. DEXA 1996: 234-243
5EEWai Yin Mok, Yiu-Kai Ng, David W. Embley: A Normal Form for Precisely Characterizing Redundancy in Nested Relations. ACM Trans. Database Syst. 21(1): 77-106 (1996)
4 Yiu-Kai Ng, Nael Qaraeen: Data Retrieval and Aggregates in SQL*/NR. CISMOD 1995: 283-301
3 Seung Jin Lim, Yiu-Kai Ng: Set-Term Unification in a Logic Database Language. COCOON 1995: 101-110
2EESeung Jin Lim, Yiu-Kai Ng: Set-Term Matching in a Logic Database Language. DASFAA 1995: 189-196
1 Yiu-Kai Ng, David W. Embley: The Retrieval Power of NFQL. ACM Conference on Computer Science 1989: 62-69

Coauthor Index

1Douglas M. Campbell [14] [15]
2David W. Embley [1] [5] [7] [14] [15] [16] [24]
3Jiaxin J. Gao [33]
4Ian Garcia [40]
5Michael A. Goodrich [25]
6Nathaniel Gustafson [46] [47] [48]
7Y. S. Jiang [14] [15] [16]
8Seung-Jin Kim [17]
9Jonathan Koberstein [39]
10Linus W. Kwong [29]
11Kelvin Lau [27] [34]
12Jun won Lee [43]
13Lin Li [41]
14Stephen W. Liddle [7] [14] [15]
15Seung Jin Lim [2] [3] [6] [8] [13] [18] [19] [21] [22] [23] [26] [28] [35] [36]
16Seung-Jin Ling [11]
17Stephen Lynn [50]
18Wai Yin Mok [5]
19Maria Soledad Pera [42] [44] [46] [48] [49] [51]
20Nael Qaraeen [4]
21Dallan Quass [14] [15] [33]
22Aparna Seetharaman [9] [10] [12]
23Randy D. Smith [14] [15]
24June Tang [20] [25]
25Bin Wang [31] [41]
26Guoren Wang [31]
27Quan Wang [30]
28Li Xu [24]
29Xiaochun Yang [28] [31] [41] [45]
30Rajiv Yerra [37] [38]
31Ge Yu [31] [41]
32Lihua Zhang [32]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)