
Yen Kaow Ng

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9EEShuai Cheng Li, Yen Kaow Ng, Louxin Zhang: A PTAS for the k-Consensus Structures Problem Under Euclidean Squared Distance. FAW 2008: 35-44
8EEYen Kaow Ng, Takeshi Shinohara: Developments from enquiries into the learnability of the pattern languages from positive data. Theor. Comput. Sci. 397(1-3): 150-165 (2008)
7EESanjay Jain, Yen Kaow Ng, Tiong Seng Tay: Learning languages in a union. J. Comput. Syst. Sci. 73(1): 89-108 (2007)
6EEYen Kaow Ng, Takeshi Shinohara: Characteristic Sets for Inferring the Unions of the Tree Pattern Languages by the Most Fitting Hypotheses. ICGI 2006: 307-319
5EEYen Kaow Ng, Takeshi Shinohara: Finding Consensus Patterns in Very Scarce Biosequence Samples from Their Minimal Multiple Generalizations. PAKDD 2006: 540-545
4EEYen Kaow Ng, Takeshi Shinohara: Inferring Unions of the Pattern Languages by the Most Fitting Covers. ALT 2005: 269-282
3EEHirotaka Ono, Yen Kaow Ng: Best Fitting Fixed-Length Substring Patterns for a Set of Strings. COCOON 2005: 240-250
2EEYen Kaow Ng, Hirotaka Ono, Takeshi Shinohara: Measuring Over-Generalization in the Minimal Multiple Generalizations of Biosequences. Discovery Science 2005: 176-188
1EESanjay Jain, Yen Kaow Ng, Tiong Seng Tay: Learning Languages in a Union. ALT 2001: 235-250

Coauthor Index

1Sanjay Jain [1] [7]
2Shuai Cheng Li [9]
3Hirotaka Ono [2] [3]
4Takeshi Shinohara [2] [4] [5] [6] [8]
5Tiong Seng Tay [1] [7]
6Louxin Zhang [9]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)