
Ka-Lok Ng

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7EEDavid Hecht, Rouh-Mei Hu, Rong-Ming Chen, Jong-Waye Ou, Chao-Yen Hsu, Haitao Gong, Ka-Lok Ng, Han C. W. Hsiao, Jeffrey J. P. Tsai, Phillip C.-Y. Sheu: BioSemantic System: Applications of Structured Natural Language to Biological and Biochemical Research. SUTC 2008: 386-393
6EEKa-Lok Ng, Chien-Hung Huang, Hsueh-Chuan Liu, Hsiang-Chuan Liu: Applications of domain-domain interactions in pathway study. Computational Biology and Chemistry 32(2): 81-87 (2008)
5EEJ. D. Wang, Hsiang-Chuan Liu, Jeffrey J. P. Tsai, Ka-Lok Ng: Scaling Behavior of Maximal Repeat Distributions in Genomic Sequences. IJCINI 2(3): 31-42 (2008)
4EEKa-Lok Ng, Chien-Hung Huang, Po-Han Lee, Jywe-Fei Fang, Jeffrey J. P. Tsai: Modular Structures and Robustness of Protein Networks. International Journal on Artificial Intelligence Tools 15(2): 309-322 (2006)
3EEPo-Han Lee, Chien-Hung Huang, Jywe-Fei Fang, Jeffrey J. P. Tsai, Ka-Lok Ng: Study of the protein-protein interaction networks via random graph approach. IEEE ICCI 2005: 110-119
2EEChien-Hung Huang, Jywe-Fei Fang, Jeffrey J. P. Tsai, Ka-Lok Ng: Topological Robustness of the Protein-Protein Interaction Networks. Systems Biology and Regulatory Genomics 2005: 166-177
1EEKa-Lok Ng, Chien-Hung Huang: A Cross-species Study of the Protein-protein Interaction Networks via the Random Graph Approach. BIBE 2004: 561-567

Coauthor Index

1Rong-Ming Chen [7]
2Jywe-Fei Fang [2] [3] [4]
3Haitao Gong [7]
4David Hecht [7]
5Han C. W. Hsiao [7]
6Chao-Yen Hsu [7]
7Rouh-Mei Hu [7]
8Chien-Hung Huang [1] [2] [3] [4] [6]
9Po-Han Lee [3] [4]
10Hsiang-Chuan Liu [5] [6]
11Hsueh-Chuan Liu [6]
12Jong-Waye Ou [7]
13Phillip C.-Y. Sheu (Phillip Chen-Yu Sheu) [7]
14Jeffrey J. P. Tsai [2] [3] [4] [5] [7]
15J. D. Wang [5]

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)