
Gregory Neven

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25EEMihir Bellare, Chanathip Namprempre, Gregory Neven: Security Proofs for Identity-Based Identification and Signature Schemes. J. Cryptology 22(1): 1-61 (2009)
24EEGregory Neven: Efficient Sequential Aggregate Signed Data. EUROCRYPT 2008: 52-69
23EEMichel Abdalla, Mihir Bellare, Dario Catalano, Eike Kiltz, Tadayoshi Kohno, Tanja Lange, John Malone-Lee, Gregory Neven, Pascal Paillier, Haixia Shi: Searchable Encryption Revisited: Consistency Properties, Relation to Anonymous IBE, and Extensions. J. Cryptology 21(3): 350-391 (2008)
22EEGregory Neven: A simple transitive signature scheme for directed trees. Theor. Comput. Sci. 396(1-3): 277-282 (2008)
21EEJames Birkett, Alexander W. Dent, Gregory Neven, Jacob C. N. Schuldt: Efficient Chosen-Ciphertext Secure Identity-Based Encryption with Wildcards. ACISP 2007: 274-292
20EEElena Andreeva, Gregory Neven, Bart Preneel, Thomas Shrimpton: Seven-Property-Preserving Iterated Hashing: ROX. ASIACRYPT 2007: 130-146
19EEMihir Bellare, Gregory Neven: Identity-Based Multi-signatures from RSA. CT-RSA 2007: 145-162
18EEMichel Abdalla, Eike Kiltz, Gregory Neven: Generalized Key Delegation for Hierarchical Identity-Based Encryption. ESORICS 2007: 139-154
17EEJan Camenisch, Gregory Neven, Abhi Shelat: Simulatable Adaptive Oblivious Transfer. EUROCRYPT 2007: 573-590
16EEMihir Bellare, Chanathip Namprempre, Gregory Neven: Unrestricted Aggregate Signatures. ICALP 2007: 411-422
15EEMichel Abdalla, Alexander W. Dent, John Malone-Lee, Gregory Neven, Duong Hieu Phan, Nigel P. Smart: Identity-Based Traitor Tracing. Public Key Cryptography 2007: 361-376
14EEChanathip Namprempre, Gregory Neven, Michel Abdalla: A Study of Blind Message Authentication Codes. IEICE Transactions 90-A(1): 75-82 (2007)
13EEMihir Bellare, Gregory Neven: Multi-signatures in the plain public-Key model and a general forking lemma. ACM Conference on Computer and Communications Security 2006: 390-399
12EEMichel Abdalla, Chanathip Namprempre, Gregory Neven: On the (Im)possibility of Blind Message Authentication Codes. CT-RSA 2006: 262-279
11EEKlaus Kursawe, Gregory Neven, Pim Tuyls: Private Policy Negotiation. Financial Cryptography 2006: 81-95
10EEMichel Abdalla, Dario Catalano, Alexander W. Dent, John Malone-Lee, Gregory Neven, Nigel P. Smart: Identity-Based Encryption Gone Wild. ICALP (2) 2006: 300-311
9EEMichel Abdalla, Mihir Bellare, Dario Catalano, Eike Kiltz, Tadayoshi Kohno, Tanja Lange, John Malone-Lee, Gregory Neven, Pascal Paillier, Haixia Shi: Searchable Encryption Revisited: Consistency Properties, Relation to Anonymous IBE, and Extensions. CRYPTO 2005: 205-222
8EEMihir Bellare, Gregory Neven: Transitive signatures: new schemes and proofs. IEEE Transactions on Information Theory 51(6): 2133-2151 (2005)
7EEMihir Bellare, Chanathip Namprempre, Gregory Neven: Security Proofs for Identity-Based Identification and Signature Schemes. EUROCRYPT 2004: 268-286
6 Bart De Decker, Gregory Neven, Frank Piessens: Secure Vickrey Auctions without a Trusted Third Party. SEC 2003: 337-348
5EEMihir Bellare, Gregory Neven: Transitive Signatures Based on Factoring and RSA. ASIACRYPT 2002: 397-414
4 Bart De Decker, Gregory Neven, Frank Piessens, Erik Van Hoeymissen: Second Price Auctions, A Case Study of Secure Distributed Computating. DAIS 2001: 217-228
3 T. Herlea, Joris Claessens, Bart Preneel, Gregory Neven, Frank Piessens, Bart De Decker: On Securely Scheduling a Meeting. SEC 2001: 183-198
2EEBart De Decker, Frank Piessens, Erik Van Hoeymissen, Gregory Neven: Semi-trusted Hosts and Mobile Agents: Enabling Secure Distributed Computations. MATA 2000: 219-232
1 Gregory Neven, Frank Piessens, Bart De Decker: On the Practical Feasibiltiy of Secure Distributed Computing: A Case Study. SEC 2000: 361-370

Coauthor Index

1Michel Abdalla [9] [10] [12] [14] [15] [18] [23]
2Elena Andreeva [20]
3Mihir Bellare [5] [7] [8] [9] [13] [16] [19] [23] [25]
4James Birkett [21]
5Jan Camenisch [17]
6Dario Catalano [9] [10] [23]
7Joris Claessens [3]
8Bart De Decker [1] [2] [3] [4] [6]
9Alexander W. Dent [10] [15] [21]
10T. Herlea [3]
11Erik Van Hoeymissen [2] [4]
12Eike Kiltz [9] [18] [23]
13Tadayoshi Kohno [9] [23]
14Klaus Kursawe [11]
15Tanja Lange [9] [23]
16John Malone-Lee [9] [10] [15] [23]
17Chanathip Namprempre [7] [12] [14] [16] [25]
18Pascal Paillier [9] [23]
19Duong Hieu Phan [15]
20Frank Piessens [1] [2] [3] [4] [6]
21Bart Preneel [3] [20]
22Jacob C. N. Schuldt [21]
23Abhi Shelat [17]
24Haixia Shi [9] [23]
25Thomas Shrimpton [20]
26Nigel P. Smart [10] [15]
27Pim Tuyls [11]

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)