
Márcio Luiz De Andrade Netto

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8EEMárcio L. Gonçalves, Márcio Luiz De Andrade Netto, José A. F. Costa: Cluster Analysis of Land-Cover Images Using Automatically Segmented SOMs with Textural Information. IDEAL 2008: 483-490
7EESarajane Marques Peres, Márcio Luiz De Andrade Netto: The Meaningful Fractal Fuzzy Dimension applied to the design of self organizing maps. IJCNN 2008: 1285-1291
6EETélvio Orrú, João Luís Garcia Rosa, Márcio Luiz De Andrade Netto: SABIO: A Biologically Plausible Connectionist Approach to Automatic Text Summarization. Applied Artificial Intelligence 22(9): 896-920 (2008)
5EEMárcio L. Gonçalves, Márcio Luiz De Andrade Netto, José A. F. Costa: A Three-Stage Approach Based on the Self-organizing Map for Satellite Image Classification. ICANN (2) 2007: 680-689
4EEMárcio L. Gonçalves, Márcio Luiz De Andrade Netto, José Alfredo Ferreira Costa, Jurandir Zullo: Data Clustering using Self-Organizing Maps segmented by Mathematic Morphology and Simplified Cluster Validity Indexes: an application in remotely sensed images. IJCNN 2006: 4421-4428
3EETélvio Orrú, João Luís Garcia Rosa, Márcio Luiz De Andrade Netto: SABio: An Automatic Portuguese Text Summarizer Through Artificial Neural Networks in a More Biologically Plausible Model. PROPOR 2006: 11-20
2EESarajane Marques Peres, Márcio Luiz De Andrade Netto: A Fractal Fuzzy Approach to Clustering Tendency Analysis. SBIA 2004: 395-404
1EEJosé Alfredo Ferreira Costa, Márcio Luiz De Andrade Netto: Estimating the Number of Clusters in Multivariate Data by Self-Organizing Maps. Int. J. Neural Syst. 9(3): 195-202 (1999)

Coauthor Index

1José A. F. Costa [5] [8]
2José Alfredo Ferreira Costa [1] [4]
3Márcio L. Gonçalves [4] [5] [8]
4Télvio Orrú [3] [6]
5Sarajane Marques Peres [2] [7]
6João Luís Garcia Rosa [3] [6]
7Jurandir Zullo [4]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)