
Giovanni Neglia

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13EEAlberto Blanc, Konstantin Avrachenkov, Denis Collange, Giovanni Neglia: Compound TCP with Random Losses. Networking 2009: 482-494
12EEDamiano Carra, Giovanni Neglia, Pietro Michiardi: On the Impact of Greedy Strategies in BitTorrent Networks: The Case of BitTyrant. Peer-to-Peer Computing 2008: 311-320
11EEHonggang Zhang, Giovanni Neglia, Donald F. Towsley, Giuseppe Lo Presti: Stability and Efficiency of Unstructured File Sharing Networks. IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications 26(7): 1284-1294 (2008)
10EEHonggang Zhang, Giovanni Neglia, Donald F. Towsley, Giuseppe Lo Presti: On Unstructured File Sharing Networks. INFOCOM 2007: 2189-2197
9EEGiovanni Neglia, Giuseppe Reina, Honggang Zhang, Donald F. Towsley, Arun Venkataramani, John S. Danaher: Availability in BitTorrent Systems. INFOCOM 2007: 2216-2224
8EEGiovanni Neglia, Giuseppe Lo Presti, Honggang Zhang, Donald F. Towsley: A Network Formation Game Approach to Study BitTorrent Tit-for-Tat. NET-COOP 2007: 13-22
7EEXiaolan Zhang, Giovanni Neglia, James F. Kurose, Donald F. Towsley: Performance modeling of epidemic routing. Computer Networks 51(10): 2867-2891 (2007)
6EEXiaolan Zhang, Giovanni Neglia, James F. Kurose, Donald F. Towsley: Performance Modeling of Epidemic Routing. Networking 2006: 827-839
5EEGiovanni Neglia, Vincenzo Falletta, Giuseppe Bianchi: An analytical model of a new packet marking algorithm for TCP flows. Computer Networks 50(8): 1176-1191 (2006)
4EEGiovanni Neglia, Vincenzo Falletta, Giuseppe Bianchi: An Analytical Model of a New Packet Marking Algorithm for TCP Flows. QoS-IP 2005: 1-14
3EEGiovanni Neglia, Vincenzo Falletta, Giuseppe Bianchi: Is TCP Packet Reordering Always Harmful? MASCOTS 2004: 87-94
2EEGiuseppe Bianchi, Vincenzo Mancuso, Giovanni Neglia: Is Admission-Controlled Traffic Self-Similar? NETWORKING 2002: 327-339
1 Giovanni Neglia, Giuseppe Bianchi, Francesco Saitta, Dario Lombardo: Adaptive low priority packet marking for better TCP performance. Net-Con 2002: 445-456

Coauthor Index

1Konstantin Avrachenkov [13]
2Giuseppe Bianchi [1] [2] [3] [4] [5]
3Alberto Blanc [13]
4Damiano Carra [12]
5Denis Collange [13]
6John S. Danaher [9]
7Vincenzo Falletta [3] [4] [5]
8James F. Kurose (Jim Kurose) [6] [7]
9Dario Lombardo [1]
10Vincenzo Mancuso [2]
11Pietro Michiardi [12]
12Giuseppe Lo Presti [8] [10] [11]
13Giuseppe Reina [9]
14Francesco Saitta [1]
15Donald F. Towsley [6] [7] [8] [9] [10] [11]
16Arun Venkataramani [9]
17Honggang Zhang [8] [9] [10] [11]
18Xiaolan Zhang (Xiaolan (Catherine) Zhang) [6] [7]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)