
Perambur S. Neelakanta

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5EETomás Arredondo Vidal, Perambur S. Neelakanta, Dolores F. De Groff: Fuzzy attributes of a DNA complex: Development of a fuzzy inference engine for codon-"junk" codon delineation. Artificial Intelligence in Medicine 35(1-2): 87-105 (2005)
4 Perambur S. Neelakanta, Shivani Pandya, Tomás Arredondo Vidal, Dolores F. De Groff: Heuristics of AI-Based Search Engines for Massive Bioinformatic Data-Mining: An Example of Codon/Noncodon Delineation Search in a Binary DNA Sequence. IICAI 2003: 685-694
3EEPerambur S. Neelakanta, Apiruk Preechayasomboon: Development of a neuroinference engine for ADSL modem applications in telecommunications using an ANN with fast computational ability. Neurocomputing 48(1-4): 423-441 (2002)
2EEPerambur S. Neelakanta, Salahalddin T. Abusalah, Dolores F. De Groff, Joseph C. Park: Fuzzy nonlinear activity and dynamics of fuzzy uncertainty in the neural complex. Neurocomputing 20(1-3): 123-153 (1998)
1EEPerambur S. Neelakanta: Csiszar's Generalized Error Measures for Gradient-descent-based Optimizations in Neural Networks Using the Backpropagation Algorithm. Connect. Sci. 8(1): 79-114 (1996)

Coauthor Index

1Salahalddin T. Abusalah [2]
2Dolores F. De Groff [2] [4] [5]
3Shivani Pandya [4]
4Joseph C. Park [2]
5Apiruk Preechayasomboon [3]
6Tomás Arredondo Vidal (Tomás Arredondo) [4] [5]

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