
Andrew Neel

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8 Andrew Neel, Max H. Garzon, Vasile Rus: A Semantic Method for Textual Entailment. FLAIRS Conference 2008: 171-176
7EEMax H. Garzon, Vinhthuy T. Phan, Sujoy Roy, Andrew Neel: In Search of Optimal Codes for DNA Computing. DNA 2006: 143-156
6EEKiranchand V. Bobba, Andrew Neel, Vinhthuy T. Phan, Max H. Garzon: "Reasoning" and "Talking" DNA: Can DNA Understand English? DNA 2006: 337-349
5EEAndrew Neel, Max H. Garzon, Phanni Penumatsa: Improving the Quality of Semantic Retrieval in DNA-Based Memories with Learning. KES 2004: 18-24
4EEMax H. Garzon, Derrel Blain, Andrew Neel: Virtual test tubes. Natural Computing 3(4): 461-477 (2004)
3EEMax H. Garzon, Kiranchand V. Bobba, Andrew Neel: Efficiency and Reliability of Semantic Retrieval in DNA-Based Memories. DNA 2003: 157-169
2EEMax H. Garzon, Andrew Neel, Hui Chen: Efficiency and Reliability of DNA-Based Memories. GECCO 2003: 379-389
1EEMax H. Garzon, Derrel Blain, Kiranchand V. Bobba, Andrew Neel, Michael West: Self-Assembly of DNA-like Structures In Silico. Genetic Programming and Evolvable Machines 4(2): 185-200 (2003)

Coauthor Index

1Derrel Blain [1] [4]
2Kiranchand V. Bobba [1] [3] [6]
3Hui Chen [2]
4Max H. Garzon [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] [8]
5Phanni Penumatsa [5]
6Vinhthuy T. Phan [6] [7]
7Sujoy Roy [7]
8Vasile Rus [8]
9Michael West [1]

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)