
Richard E. Neapolitan

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7EERichard E. Neapolitan: A Polemic for Bayesian Statistics. Innovations in Bayesian Networks 2008: 7-32
6EEScott B. Morris, Doug Cork, Richard E. Neapolitan: Cognitive Processing of Causal Knowledge. UAI 1997: 384-391
5EEPeter Che, Richard E. Neapolitan, James R. Kenevan, Martha W. Evens: An Implementation of a Method for Computing the Uncertainty in Inferred Probabilities in Belief Networks. UAI 1993: 292-300
4 Richard E. Neapolitan: The interpretation and application of belief functions. Applied Artificial Intelligence 7(2): 195-204 (1993)
3EERichard E. Neapolitan, James R. Kenevan: Investigation of Variances in Belief Networks. UAI 1991: 232-241
2 Richard E. Neapolitan: Models for reasoning under uncertainty. Applied Artificial Intelligence 1(4): 337-367 (1987)
1EERichard E. Neapolitan: Models for reasoning under uncertainty (abstract). ACM Conference on Computer Science 1986: 460

Coauthor Index

1Peter Che [5]
2Doug Cork [6]
3Martha W. Evens [5]
4James R. Kenevan [3] [5]
5Scott B. Morris [6]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)