
Marian Neamtu

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10EEHakan Cevikalp, Marian Neamtu, Atalay Barkana: The Kernel Common Vector Method: A Novel Nonlinear Subspace Classifier for Pattern Recognition. IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics, Part B 37(4): 937-951 (2007)
9EEHakan Cevikalp, Marian Neamtu, Mitch Wilkes: Discriminative Common Vector Method With Kernels. IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks 17(6): 1550-1565 (2006)
8EEHakan Cevikalp, Marian Neamtu, Mitch Wilkes, Atalay Barkana: Discriminative Common Vectors for Face Recognition. IEEE Trans. Pattern Anal. Mach. Intell. 27(1): 4-13 (2005)
7EEMarian Neamtu, Larry L. Schumaker: On the Approximation Order of Splines on Spherical Triangulations. Adv. Comput. Math. 21(1-2): 3-20 (2004)
6 Kirill Kopotun, Marian Neamtu, Bojan Popov: Weakly nonoscillatory schemes for scalar conservation laws. Math. Comput. 72(244): 1747-1767 (2003)
5EETanya M. Morton, Marian Neamtu: Error Bounds for Solving Pseudodifferential Equations on Spheres by Collocation with Zonal Kernels. Journal of Approximation Theory 114(2): 242-268 (2002)
4EESerena Morigi, Marian Neamtu: Some results for a class of generalized polynomials. Adv. Comput. Math. 12(2-3): 133-149 (2000)
3EEPeter Alfeld, Marian Neamtu, Larry L. Schumaker: Bernstein-Bézier polynomials on spheres and sphere-like surfaces. Computer Aided Geometric Design 13(4): 333-349 (1996)
2EEMarian Neamtu, Pia R. Pfluger: Degenerate polynomial patches of degree 4 and 5 used for geometrically smooth interpolation in 3. Computer Aided Geometric Design 11(4): 451-474 (1994)
1EES. Auerbach, Robert H. J. Gmelig Meyling, Marian Neamtu, Helmut Schaeben: Approximation and geometric modeling with simplex B-splines associated with irregular triangles. Computer Aided Geometric Design 8(1): 67-87 (1991)

Coauthor Index

1Peter Alfeld [3]
2S. Auerbach [1]
3Atalay Barkana [8] [10]
4Hakan Cevikalp [8] [9] [10]
5Kirill Kopotun [6]
6Robert H. J. Gmelig Meyling [1]
7Serena Morigi [4]
8Tanya M. Morton [5]
9Pia R. Pfluger [2]
10Bojan Popov [6]
11Helmut Schaeben [1]
12Larry L. Schumaker [3] [7]
13Mitch Wilkes [8] [9]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)