
Matthew Naylor

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4EEMatthew Naylor, Emil Axelsson, Colin Runciman: A functional-logic library for wired. Haskell 2007: 37-48
3EEMatthew Naylor, Colin Runciman: The Reduceron: Widening the von Neumann Bottleneck for Graph Reduction Using an FPGA. IFL 2007: 129-146
2EEMatthew Naylor, Colin Runciman: Finding Inputs that Reach a Target Expression. SCAM 2007: 133-142
1EEPeter Pakulski, Karl Sammut, Fangpo He, Matthew Naylor: Pixel Behaviour Metrics for Dynamic Background Modelling with the Projected Difference Pattern Method. DICTA 2005: 25

Coauthor Index

1Emil Axelsson [4]
2Fangpo He [1]
3Peter Pakulski [1]
4Colin Runciman [2] [3] [4]
5Karl Sammut [1]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)