
Roberto Navigli

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27EERoberto Navigli: Using Cycles and Quasi-Cycles to Disambiguate Dictionary Glosses. EACL 2009: 594-602
26EERoberto Navigli: Word sense disambiguation: A survey. ACM Comput. Surv. 41(2): (2009)
25EEAntonio De Nicola, Michele Missikoff, Roberto Navigli: A software engineering approach to ontology building. Inf. Syst. 34(2): 258-275 (2009)
24EEPaola Velardi, Roberto Navigli, Alessandro Cucchiarelli, Mirco Curzi: Content-Based Social Network Analysis. ECAI 2008: 765-766
23EEPaola Velardi, Roberto Navigli, Alessandro Cucchiarelli, Fulvio D'Antonio: A New Content-Based Model for Social Network Analysis. ICSC 2008: 18-25
22EERoberto Navigli: A structural approach to the automatic adjudication of word sense disagreements. Natural Language Engineering 14(4): 547-573 (2008)
21EERoberto Navigli, Paola Velardi: GlossExtractor: A Web Application to Automatically Create a Domain Glossary. AI*IA 2007: 339-349
20EERoberto Navigli, Mirella Lapata: Graph Connectivity Measures for Unsupervised Word Sense Disambiguation. IJCAI 2007: 1683-1688
19EEPaola Velardi, Roberto Navigli, Michaël Petit: Semantic Indexing of a Competence Map to Support Scientific Collaboration in a Research Community. IJCAI 2007: 2897-2902
18EESamuel Brody, Roberto Navigli, Mirella Lapata: Ensemble Methods for Unsupervised WSD. ACL 2006
17EERoberto Navigli: Meaningful Clustering of Senses Helps Boost Word Sense Disambiguation Performance. ACL 2006
16EERoberto Navigli: Valido: A Visual Tool for Validating Sense Annotations. ACL 2006
15EERoberto Navigli: Experiments on the Validation of Sense Annotations Assisted by Lexical Chains. EACL 2006
14EERoberto Navigli: Online Word Sense Disambiguation with Structural Semantic Interconnections. EACL 2006
13EERoberto Navigli, Paola Velardi: Ontology Enrichment Through Automatic Semantic Annotation of On-Line Glossaries. EKAW 2006: 126-140
12EERoberto Navigli: Consistent Validation of Manual and Automatic Sense Annotations with the Aid of Semantic Graphs. Computational Linguistics 32(2): 273-281 (2006)
11EEAntonio De Nicola, Michele Missikoff, Roberto Navigli: A Proposal for a Unified Process for Ontology Building: UPON. DEXA 2005: 655-664
10 Roberto Navigli: Semi-Automatic Extension of Large-Scale Linguistic Knowledge Bases. FLAIRS Conference 2005: 548-553
9EERoberto Navigli, Paola Velardi: Structural Semantic Interconnections: A Knowledge-Based Approach to Word Sense Disambiguation. IEEE Trans. Pattern Anal. Mach. Intell. 27(7): 1075-1086 (2005)
8 Roberto Navigli, Paola Velardi: A knowledge-based approach to ontology learning and semantic annotation. CAiSE Workshops (3) 2004: 189-203
7EELuigi Cinque, Alessio Malizia, Roberto Navigli: A Semantic-Based System for Querying Personal Digital Libraries. Document Analysis Systems 2004: 39-46
6EELuigi Cinque, Alessio Malizia, Roberto Navigli: OntoDoc: An Ontology-Based Query System for Digital Libraries. ICPR (2) 2004: 671-674
5EERoberto Navigli, Paola Velardi: Learning Domain Ontologies from Document Warehouses and Dedicated Web Sites. Computational Linguistics 30(2): 151-179 (2004)
4EEAldo Gangemi, Roberto Navigli, Paola Velardi: The OntoWordNet Project: Extension and Axiomatization of Conceptual Relations in WordNet. CoopIS/DOA/ODBASE 2003: 820-838
3EERoberto Navigli, Paola Velardi, Aldo Gangemi: Ontology Learning and Its Application to Automated Terminology Translation. IEEE Intelligent Systems 18(1): 22-31 (2003)
2EEMichele Missikoff, Roberto Navigli, Paola Velardi: The Usable Ontology: An Environment for Building and Assessing a Domain Ontology. International Semantic Web Conference 2002: 39-53
1EEMichele Missikoff, Roberto Navigli, Paola Velardi: Integrated Approach to Web Ontology Learning and Engineering. IEEE Computer 35(11): 60-63 (2002)

Coauthor Index

1Samuel Brody [18]
2Luigi Cinque [6] [7]
3Alessandro Cucchiarelli [23] [24]
4Mirco Curzi [24]
5Fulvio D'Antonio [23]
6Aldo Gangemi [3] [4]
7Mirella Lapata [18] [20]
8Alessio Malizia [6] [7]
9Michele Missikoff [1] [2] [11] [25]
10Antonio De Nicola [11] [25]
11Michaël Petit [19]
12Paola Velardi [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [8] [9] [13] [19] [21] [23] [24]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)