
Andrey Naumenko

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9 Andrey Naumenko: A Report on the Triune Continuum Paradigm and on its Foundational Theory of Triune Continuum. CAiSE Workshops (2) 2005: 439-449
8 Andrey Naumenko: Basics of the Triune Continuum Paradigm. Encyclopedia of Information Science and Technology (I) 2005: 217-
7 Andrey Naumenko, Alain Wegmann: Two Approaches in System Modeling and Their Illustrations with MDA and RM-ODP. ICEIS (3) 2003: 398-402
6EEAndrey Naumenko, Alain Wegmann: A Metamodel for the Unified Modeling Language. UML 2002: 2-17
5EEAlain Wegmann, Andrey Naumenko: Conceptual Modeling of Complex Systems Using an RM-ODP Based Ontology. EDOC 2001: 200-211
4 Andrey Naumenko, Alain Wegmann, Guy Genilloud, William F. Frank: Proposal for a formal foundation of RM-ODP concepts. WOODPECKER 2001: 81-97
3 Andrey Naumenko, Alain Wegmann: Application of information management with meeting automation tool. IRMA Conference 2000: 940-941
2 Andrey Naumenko: Real Benefits of Active Caching in the WWW. Applied Informatics 1999: 172-174
1 Andrey Naumenko: Some Recommendations on Building Proxy Caching Service. WebNet 1998

Coauthor Index

1William F. Frank [4]
2Guy Genilloud [4]
3Alain Wegmann [3] [4] [5] [6] [7]

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)