
Nagesh Nandiraju

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6EEKaushik R. Chowdhury, Nagesh Nandiraju, Pritam Chanda, Dharma P. Agrawal, Qing-An Zeng: Channel allocation and medium access control for wireless sensor networks. Ad Hoc Networks 7(2): 307-321 (2009)
5EEDave Cavalcanti, Nagesh Nandiraju, Deepti S. Nandiraju, Dharma P. Agrawal, Anup Kumar: Connectivity opportunity selection in heterogeneous wireless multi-hop networks. Pervasive and Mobile Computing 4(3): 390-420 (2008)
4EENagesh Nandiraju, Deepti S. Nandiraju, Dave Cavalcanti, Dharma P. Agrawal: A novel queue management mechanism for improving performance of multihop flows in IEEE 802.11s based mesh networks. IPCCC 2006
3EELakshmi Santhanam, Nagesh Nandiraju, Younghwan Yoo, Dharma P. Agrawal: Distributed Self-policing Architecture for Fostering Node Cooperation in Wireless Mesh Networks. PWC 2006: 147-158
2 Ratnabali Biswas, Neha Jain, Nagesh Nandiraju, Dharma P. Agrawal: Communication architecture for processing spatio-temporal continuous queries in sensor networks. Annales des Télécommunications 60(7-8): 901-927 (2005)
1EEHrishikesh Gossain, Nagesh Nandiraju, Kumar Anand, Dharma P. Agrawal: Supporting MAC Layer Multicast in IEEE 802.11 based MANETs: Issues and Solutions. LCN 2004: 172-179

Coauthor Index

1Dharma P. Agrawal [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6]
2Kumar Anand [1]
3Ratnabali Biswas [2]
4Dave Cavalcanti [4] [5]
5Pritam Chanda [6]
6Kaushik R. Chowdhury [6]
7Hrishikesh Gossain [1]
8Neha Jain [2]
9Anup Kumar [5]
10Deepti S. Nandiraju [4] [5]
11Lakshmi Santhanam [3]
12Younghwan Yoo [3]
13Qing-An Zeng [6]

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