
Subrata Nandi

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8EETathagata Das, Subrata Nandi, Niloy Ganguly: Community based search on power law networks. COMSWARE 2008: 279-282
7EETathagata Das, Subrata Nandi, Andreas Deutsch, Niloy Ganguly: Bio-inspired Search and Distributed Memory Formation on Power-Law Networks. PPSN 2008: 154-164
6EESubrata Nandi, Sanjib Sadhu: A Predictive Location Management Scheme by Extracting the Unique Sub-patterns from the Mobility Logs. ICDCN 2006: 600-605
5EESubrata Nandi, Purna Ch. Mandal, Pranab Halder, Ananya Basu: Agglomerative Hierarchical Approach for Location Area Planning in a PCSN. IWDC 2005: 362-367
4EESubrata Nandi, Manish K. Raushan: An Efficient Cost Effective Location Management Scheme Based on Velocity Vector Information of Mobile Unit. CIT 2004: 107-116
3EES. S. Thakur, Subrata Nandi, Diganta Goswami, R. Bhattarcharjee: Clock Synchronization in IEEE 802.11 Ad Hoc Networks. CIT 2004: 180-189
2EESubrata Nandi, Manish K. Raushan: An Efficient Implementation of Distance-Based Update Scheme Using Directional Cell Identification Codes. IWDC 2004: 535
1EES. Raghuram, Sheshadri Ranganath, Steve Olson, Subrata Nandi: Taming the Downtime: High Availability in Sybase ASE 12. ICDE 2000: 111-120

Coauthor Index

1Ananya Basu [5]
2R. Bhattarcharjee [3]
3Tathagata Das [7] [8]
4Andreas Deutsch [7]
5Niloy Ganguly [7] [8]
6Diganta Goswami [3]
7Pranab Halder [5]
8Purna Ch. Mandal [5]
9Steve Olson [1]
10S. Raghuram [1]
11Sheshadri Ranganath [1]
12Manish K. Raushan [2] [4]
13Sanjib Sadhu [6]
14S. S. Thakur [3]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)