
Akira Namatame

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24 Akira Namatame, Satoshi Kurihara, Hideyuki Nakashima: Emergent Intelligence of Networked Agents Springer 2007
23EEHiroshi Sato, Masao Kubo, Akira Namatame: Video-Based Conjoint Analysis and Agent Based Simulation for Estimating Customer's Behavior. IDEAL 2007: 1102-1111
22EEMasaru Aoyagi, Akira Namatame: Incremental Development of Networked Intelligence in Flocking Behavior. Emergent Intelligence of Networked Agents 2007: 1-12
21EEAkira Namatame: Collective Intelligence of Networked Agents. Emergent Intelligence of Networked Agents 2007: 159-176
20EETakanori Komatsu, Akira Namatame: On the Effectiveness of Rate-Limiting Methods to Mitigate Distributed DoS (DDoS) Attacks. IEICE Transactions 90-B(10): 2665-2672 (2007)
19EEMasaru Aoyagi, Akira Namatame: Dynamics of Emergent Flocking Behavior. ACRI 2006: 557-563
18EETomonari Honda, Hiroshi Sato, Akira Namatame: Evolutionary Learning in Agent-Based Combat Simulation. ACRI 2006: 582-587
17EETomoko Fuku, Kazuto Takai, Akira Namatame: Balanced Two-sided Matching. WSTST 2005: 273-284
16EEMasaru Aoyagi, Akira Namatame: Massive Multi-Agent Simulation in 3D. WSTST 2005: 295-305
15EEShinji Tomita, Akira Namatame: Bilateral Tradings with and without Strategic Thinking. MABS 2003: 73-88
14EEHiroshi Sato, Akira Namatame: Co-Evolution in Social Interactions. International Journal of Computational Intelligence and Applications 2(1): 71-81 (2002)
13 Takao Terano, Toyoaki Nishida, Akira Namatame, Shusaku Tsumoto, Yukio Ohsawa, Takashi Washio: New Frontiers in Artificial Intelligence, Joint JSAI 2001 Workshop Post-Proceedings Springer 2001
12EEKazuyo Sato, Akira Namatame: Social Interaction as Knowledge Trading Games. JSAI Workshops 2001: 195-207
11EEAkira Namatame: Agent-Based Approaches in Economic and Social Complex System - Overview. JSAI Workshops 2001: 85-87
10 Hiroshi Satoh, Kimitaka Uno, Masao Kubo, Akira Namatame: The Role of Mimicry in Social Evolution. GECCO 2000: 871
9 Masao Kubo, Hiroshi Satoh, Yuichiro Inoue, Kimitaka Uno, Akira Namatame: The Number of People with Whom a Man Interacts. PPSN 2000: 477-486
8EEAkira Namatame, Masahiro Takahashi: Adaptive consensus formation among multiple agents. Systems and Computers in Japan 31(7): 20-28 (2000)
7EEMasayuki Ishinishi, Akira Namatame: Evolution with Learning Adaptive Functions. SEAL 1998: 162-170
6EETakanori Sasaki, Akira Namatame: Decentralized computation with market mechanism. Systems and Computers in Japan 29(13): 1-8 (1998)
5 Akira Namatame: Social Learning in a Society of Decentralized Agents. International Conference on Evolutionary Computation 1996: 346-349
4 Yoshiaki Tsukamoto, Akira Namatame: Evolving Neural Network Models. International Conference on Evolutionary Computation 1996: 689-693
3 Akira Namatame, Yoshiaki Tsukamoto: Learning Agents for Cooperative Hyperinformation Systems. CoopIS 1993: 124-133
2EEAkira Namatame, Yoshiaki Tsukamoto: Structural Connectionist Learning with Complementary Coding. Int. J. Neural Syst. 3(1): 19-30 (1992)
1 Akira Namatame: Structured Neural Networks and Their Flash Learning. ALT 1990: 67-80

Coauthor Index

1Masaru Aoyagi [16] [19] [22]
2Tomoko Fuku [17]
3Tomonari Honda [18]
4Yuichiro Inoue [9]
5Masayuki Ishinishi [7]
6Takanori Komatsu [20]
7Masao Kubo [9] [10] [23]
8Satoshi Kurihara [24]
9Hideyuki Nakashima [24]
10Toyoaki Nishida [13]
11Yukio Ohsawa [13]
12Takanori Sasaki [6]
13Hiroshi Sato [14] [18] [23]
14Kazuyo Sato [12]
15Hiroshi Satoh [9] [10]
16Masahiro Takahashi [8]
17Kazuto Takai [17]
18Takao Terano [13]
19Shinji Tomita [15]
20Yoshiaki Tsukamoto [2] [3] [4]
21Shusaku Tsumoto [13]
22Kimitaka Uno [9] [10]
23Takashi Washio [13]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)