
Gholamreza Nakhaeizadeh

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20EEGholamreza Nakhaeizadeh: Is Consideration of Background Knowledge in Data Driven Solutions Possible at All? ECCBR 2006: 30
19 Jürgen Franke, Gholamreza Nakhaeizadeh, Ingrid Renz: Text Mining, Theoretical Aspects and Applications Physica-Verlag 2003
18 Edgar Hotz, Udo Grimmer, Gholamreza Nakhaeizadeh: Some Recent KDD-Applications at DaimlerChrysler AG. GI Jahrestagung 2002: 805-810
17EEJochen Hipp, Ulrich Güntzer, Gholamreza Nakhaeizadeh: Data Mining of Association Rules and the Process of Knowledge Discovery in Databases. Industrial Conference on Data Mining 2002: 15-36
16EEJochen Hipp, Christoph Mangold, Ulrich Güntzer, Gholamreza Nakhaeizadeh: Efficient Rule Retrieval and Postponed Restrict Operations for Association Rule Mining. PAKDD 2002: 52-65
15EEEdgar Hotz, Udo Grimmer, W. Heuser, Gholamreza Nakhaeizadeh, M. Wieczorek: REVI-MINER, a KDD-environment for deviation detection and analysis of warranty and goodwill cost statements in automotive industry. KDD 2001: 432-437
14EEJochen Hipp, Ulrich Güntzer, Gholamreza Nakhaeizadeh: Mining Association Rules: Deriving a Superior Algorithm by Analyzing Today's Approaches. PKDD 2000: 159-168
13EEJochen Hipp, Ulrich Güntzer, Gholamreza Nakhaeizadeh: Algorithms for Association Rule Mining - A General Survey and Comparison. SIGKDD Explorations 2(1): 58-64 (2000)
12EEH. Kauderer, Gholamreza Nakhaeizadeh, F. Artiles, H. Jeromin: Optimization of Collection Efforts in Automobile Financing - a KDD Supported Environment. KDD 1999: 414-416
11EEEdgar Hotz, Gholamreza Nakhaeizadeh, B. Petzsche, H. Spiegelberger: WAPS, a Data Mining Support Environment for the Planning of Warranty and Goodwill Costs in the Automobile Industry. KDD 1999: 417-419
10 Gholamreza Nakhaeizadeh, Alexander Schnabl: Towards the Personalization of Algorithms Evaluation in Data Mining. KDD 1998: 289-293
9 Gholamreza Nakhaeizadeh, Charles Taylor, Carsten Lanquillon: Evaluating Usefulness for Dynamic Classification. KDD 1998: 87-93
8 Gholamreza Nakhaeizadeh: Industrial Applications of Data Mining. PKDD 1998: 479-480
7 Charles Taylor, Gholamreza Nakhaeizadeh: Learning in Dynamically Changing Domains: Theory Revision and Context Dependence Issues. ECML 1997: 353-360
6 Gholamreza Nakhaeizadeh, Alexander Schnabl: Development of Multi-Criteria Metrics for Evaluation of Data Mining Algorithms. KDD 1997: 37-42
5 Gholamreza Nakhaeizadeh: CBR gleich KNN! KI 10(1): 36-37 (1996)
4 Ulrich Knoll, Gholamreza Nakhaeizadeh, Birgit Tausend: Cost-Sensitive Pruning of Decision Trees. ECML 1994: 383-386
3 Gholamreza Nakhaeizadeh: Learning Prediction of Time Series - A Theoretical and Empirical Comparison of CBR with some other Approaches. EWCBR 1993: 65-76
2 Dieter Fensel, Gholamreza Nakhaeizadeh: Maschinelles Lernen: Theoretische Ansätze und Anwendungsaspekte. KI 1993: 186-192
1 Gholamreza Nakhaeizadeh, Werner Mellis: Esprit-Projekt StatLog: Evaluierung statistischer und logischer maschineller Lernalgorithmen anhand realer Anwendungen. KI 5(1): 36-39 (1991)

Coauthor Index

1F. Artiles [12]
2Dieter Fensel [2]
3Jürgen Franke [19]
4Udo Grimmer [15] [18]
5Ulrich Güntzer [13] [14] [16] [17]
6W. Heuser [15]
7Jochen Hipp [13] [14] [16] [17]
8Edgar Hotz [11] [15] [18]
9H. Jeromin [12]
10H. Kauderer [12]
11Ulrich Knoll [4]
12Carsten Lanquillon [9]
13Christoph Mangold [16]
14Werner Mellis [1]
15B. Petzsche [11]
16Ingrid Renz [19]
17Alexander Schnabl [6] [10]
18H. Spiegelberger [11]
19Birgit Tausend [4]
20Charles Taylor [7] [9]
21M. Wieczorek [15]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)