
Kazuhiko Nakayama

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3 Yoshihiko Ebihara, Katsuo Ikeda, Tomoo Nakamura, Michihiro Ishizaka, Makoto Shinzawa, Kazuhiko Nakayama: GAMMA-NET: A Local Computer Network Coupled by a High Speed Optical Fiber Ring Bus -System Concept and Structure. Computer Networks 7: 375-388 (1983)
2 Katsuo Ikeda, Yoshihiko Ebihara, Michihiro Ishizaka, Takao Fujima, Tomoo Nakamura, Kazuhiko Nakayama: GAMMA - NET: Computer network coupled by 100 MBPS Optical Fiber Ring Bus - system planning and Ring Bus subsystem description. Operating Systems Engineering 1980: 288-309
1EEAtsuko Toyama, Kazuhiko Nakayama, Akifumi Oikawa: Promotion of information science research in Japan. Inf. Process. Manage. 16(4-5): 199-222 (1980)

Coauthor Index

1Yoshihiko Ebihara [2] [3]
2Takao Fujima [2]
3Katsuo Ikeda [2] [3]
4Michihiro Ishizaka [2] [3]
5Tomoo Nakamura [2] [3]
6Akifumi Oikawa [1]
7Makoto Shinzawa [3]
8Atsuko Toyama [1]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)