
Masami Nakamura

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4EEKazuhiko Tsuda, Masami Nakamura: The extraction method of the word meaning class. KES 1999: 534-537
3EEKiyoh Nakamura, Yoshinobu Fujii, Yukio Kiyokane, Masami Nakamura, Katsuhiko Hinenoya, Yeo Hua Peck, Siow Choon-Lian: Distributed and Concurrent Development Environment via Sharing Design Information. COMPSAC 1997: 274-
2 Masami Nakamura, Kazuhiko Tsuda, Jun-Ichi Aoe: A New Approach to Phoneme Recognition by Phoneme Filter Neural Networks. Inf. Sci. 90(1-4): 109-119 (1996)
1EEMasami Nakamura, Katsuteru Maruyama, Takeshi Kawabata, Kiyohiro Shikano: Neural Network Approach To Word Category Prediction For English Texts. COLING 1990: 213-218

Coauthor Index

1Jun-Ichi Aoe [2]
2Siow Choon-Lian [3]
3Yoshinobu Fujii [3]
4Katsuhiko Hinenoya [3]
5Takeshi Kawabata [1]
6Yukio Kiyokane [3]
7Katsuteru Maruyama [1]
8Kiyoh Nakamura [3]
9Yeo Hua Peck [3]
10Kiyohiro Shikano [1]
11Kazuhiko Tsuda [2] [4]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)