
Hideaki Nakamura

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4EEHideaki Nakamura, Masaru Aniya: Thermodynamic properties of Ag2OB2O3 glasses by a modified scale-transformed energy space sampling Monte Carlo method. Journal of Computational Chemistry 27(4): 471-477 (2006)
3EEHideaki Nakamura: Prediction of peptide conformation using a scale-transformed entropy sampling algorithm. Computational Biology and Chemistry 28(1): 61-66 (2004)
2EEHideaki Nakamura: Monte Carlo sampling algorithm for searching a scale-transformed energy space of polypeptides. Journal of Computational Chemistry 23(4): 511-516 (2002)
1EEYoshinao Aoki, Shin Tanahashi, Osamu Kinoshita, Hideaki Nakamura: Development of a System for Producing Stereo Ground Models by Optical Lithography. MVA 1992: 457-460

Coauthor Index

1Masaru Aniya [4]
2Yoshinao Aoki [1]
3Osamu Kinoshita [1]
4Shin Tanahashi [1]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)