
Takamichi Nakamoto

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5EEN. Choh, B. Wyszynsky, H. Takushima, N. Nitikarn, Masashi Kinoshita, Takamichi Nakamoto: Demonstration of interactive teleolfaction with movie. Advances in Computer Entertainment Technology 2008: 395
4EETakamichi Nakamoto, Shigeki Otaguro, Masashi Kinoshita, Masahiko Nagahama, Keita Ohinishi, Taro Ishida: Cooking Up an Interactive Olfactory Game Display. IEEE Computer Graphics and Applications 28(1): 75-78 (2008)
3EETakamichi Nakamoto, Hai Pham Dinh Minh: Improvement of olfactory display using solenoid valves. VR 2007: 179-186
2EETakao Yamanaka, Nitikarn Nimsuk, Takamichi Nakamoto: Concurrent Recording and Regeneration of Visual and Olfactory Information Using Odor Sensor. Presence 16(3): 307-317 (2007)
1EETakamichi Nakamoto, Kenjiro Yoshikawa: Movie with Scents Generated by Olfactory Display Using Solenoid Valves. IEICE Transactions 89-A(11): 3327-3332 (2006)

Coauthor Index

1N. Choh [5]
2Taro Ishida [4]
3Masashi Kinoshita [4] [5]
4Hai Pham Dinh Minh [3]
5Masahiko Nagahama [4]
6Nitikarn Nimsuk [2]
7N. Nitikarn [5]
8Keita Ohinishi [4]
9Shigeki Otaguro [4]
10H. Takushima [5]
11B. Wyszynsky [5]
12Takao Yamanaka [2]
13Kenjiro Yoshikawa [1]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)