
Ibtissem Nafkha

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5EEIbtissem Nafkha, Ali Jaoua: Cooperative Conceptual Retrieval for Heterogeneous Information. ICDIM 2006: 326-331
4EEIbtissem Nafkha, Samir Elloumi, Ali Jaoua: Using Concept Formal Analysis for Cooperative Information Retrieval. CLA 2004
3EESamir Elloumi, Jihad Mohamad Jaam, Ahmad Hasnah, Ali Jaoua, Ibtissem Nafkha: A multi-level conceptual data reduction approach based on the Lukasiewicz implication. Inf. Sci. 163(4): 253-262 (2004)
2 Mohamed M. Gammoudi, Ibtissem Nafkha: A formal method for inheritance graph hierarchy construction. Inf. Sci. 140(3-4): 295-317 (2002)
1EEMohamed M. Gammoudi, Ibtissem Nafkha, Z. Abdelouahab: An Incremental and Semi-automatic Method Inheritance Graph Hierarchy Construction. ER 1999: 31-46

Coauthor Index

1Z. Abdelouahab [1]
2Samir Elloumi [3] [4]
3Mohamed M. Gammoudi [1] [2]
4Ahmad Hasnah [3]
5Jihad Mohamad Jaam [3]
6Ali Jaoua [3] [4] [5]

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)