
Morton Nadler

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11EENikos Asimopoulos, Morton Nadler: Non-contact velocity compensation system for handheld scanners. Pattern Recognition 35(2): 465-472 (2002)
10EEMorton Nadler: A note on the coefficients of compass mask convolutions. Computer Vision, Graphics, and Image Processing 51(1): 96-101 (1990)
9EEGreg Brookshire, Morton Nadler, Choon Lee: Automated stereophotogrammetry. Computer Vision, Graphics, and Image Processing 52(2): 276-296 (1990)
8EEMorton Nadler: Document segmentation and coding techniques. Computer Vision, Graphics, and Image Processing 28(2): 240-262 (1984)
7EEMorton Nadler: "Empyrean", an alternative paradigm for pattern recognition. Pattern Recognition 1(2): 147-163 (1968)
6 Morton Nadler: Un système analogique-digital pour la reconnaissance de caractères. IFIP Congress 1962: 456-461
5EEMorton Nadler: Further remarks on sampling a tape file - II. Commun. ACM 5(10): 508 (1962)
4EEMorton Nadler: IFAC conference: Corrected impression. Commun. ACM 5(6): 364 (1962)
3EEMorton Nadler: Division and square root in the quarter-imaginary number system. Commun. ACM 4(4): 192-193 (1961)
2 Morton Nadler, A. Sengupta: Shift-Register Code for Indexing Applications. Commun. ACM 2(10): 40-43 (1959)
1 Morton Nadler: Some Notes on Computer Research in Eastern Europe. Commun. ACM 2(12): 1-2 (1959)

Coauthor Index

1Nikos Asimopoulos [11]
2Greg Brookshire [9]
3Choon Lee [9]
4A. Sengupta [2]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)