
Yun Ji Na

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16EEYun Ji Na, Il Seok Ko, Shiying Xu: A multilayered digital content distribution using a group-key based on web. Future Generation Comp. Syst. 25(3): 371-377 (2009)
15 Yun Ji Na, Sarvar R. Abdullaev, Franz I. S. Ko: An Optimization of CDN Using Efficient Load Distribution and RADS Caching Algorithm. J. UCS 14(14): 2329-2342 (2008)
14EEYun Ji Na, Sarvar R. Abdullaev, Il Seok Ko: A Study on Web Caching based on Reference Characteristics of Web Objects. JCIT 3(2): 82-89 (2008)
13EEYun Ji Na, Il Seok Ko: A Design of the Simulator for Web-Based Load Balancing. KES-AMSTA 2007: 884-891
12EEYun Ji Na, Il Seok Ko: Design and Performance Analysis of the Web Caching Algorithm for Performance Improvement of the Response Speed. MMM (2) 2007: 686-693
11EEIl Seok Ko, Yun Ji Na: A Performance Improvement of Web Service System Based on the Probability Distribution Characteristics. GPC 2006: 157-164
10EEYun Ji Na, Il Seok Ko, Gun Heui Han: A Design of the Flexible Mobile Agents Based on Web. ICCSA (5) 2006: 331-337
9EEYun Ji Na, Il Seok Ko, Jong Min Kwak: A Sales Agent Using Case-Based Reasoning and Rule-Based Reasoning for E-Commerce System. ICCSA (5) 2006: 338-345
8EEIl Seok Ko, Yun Ji Na: A Design of Hybrid Mobile Multimedia Game Content. KES (3) 2006: 1035-1041
7EEYun Ji Na, Il Seok Ko, Jong Min Kwak: A Study on a Design of Efficient Electronic Commerce System. KES (3) 2006: 1050-1057
6EEYun Ji Na, Choon Seong Leem, Il Seok Ko: ACASH: an adaptive web caching method based on the heterogeneity of web object and reference characteristics. Inf. Sci. 176(12): 1695-1711 (2006)
5EEYun Ji Na, Il Seok Ko: A Digital Content Distribution Using a Group-key and Multi-layered Structure Based on Web. EUC Workshops 2005: 1265-1272
4EEYun Ji Na, Il Seok Ko, Gun Heui Han: An Adaptive Web Caching Method Based on the Heterogeneity of Web Object. ISPA 2005: 853-858
3EEIl Seok Ko, Geuk Lee, Yun Ji Na: Development of an Intelligent Information Security Evaluation Indices System for an Enterprise Organization. KES (2) 2005: 1029-1035
2EEYun Ji Na, Il Seok Ko, Gun Heui Han: A Design of the Digital Content Distribution System Based on the Public Key and the Hierarchical Web Caching Structure. NPC 2005: 359-362
1EEIl Seok Ko, Choon Seong Leem, Yun Ji Na, Chui Young Yoon: Distribution of digital contents based on public key considering execution speed and security. Inf. Sci. 174(3-4): 237-250 (2005)

Coauthor Index

1Sarvar R. Abdullaev [14] [15]
2Gun Heui Han [2] [4] [10]
3Franz I. S. Ko [15]
4Il Seok Ko [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] [8] [9] [10] [11] [12] [13] [14] [16]
5Jong Min Kwak [7] [9]
6Geuk Lee [3]
7Choon Seong Leem [1] [6]
8Shiying Xu [16]
9Chui Young Yoon [1]

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)