
Holger Nösekabel

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4 Franz Lehner, Eva-Maria Sperger, Holger Nösekabel: Evaluation Framework for a Mobile Marketing Application in 3rd Generation Networks. Workshop Mobile Commerce 2004: 114-126
3EEStefan Berger, Rainer Mohr, Holger Nösekabel, Klaus J. Schäfer: Mobile Collaboration Tool for University Education. WETICE 2003: 77-
2EEFranz Lehner, Holger Nösekabel, Hans Lehmann: Wireless E-Learning and Communication Environment: WELCOME at the University of Regensburg. M-Services 2002
1EEFranz Lehner, Holger Nösekabel: The Role of Mobile Devices in E-Learning - First Experiences with a Wireless E-Learning Environment. WMTE 2002: 103-106

Coauthor Index

1Stefan Berger [3]
2Hans Lehmann [2]
3Franz Lehner [1] [2] [4]
4Rainer Mohr [3]
5Klaus J. Schäfer [3]
6Eva-Maria Sperger [4]

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)