
Stefan Nölle

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4EEStefan Nölle, Gudrun Klinker: Augmented reality as a comparison tool in automotive industry. ISMAR 2006: 249-250
3EEGudrun Klinker, Stefan Nölle, Toshikazu Ohshima, Marcus Tönnis: Workshop - Industrial augmented reality. ISMAR 2006
2EEStefan Nölle: Stereo Augmentation of Simulation Results on a Projection Wall by Combining Two Basic ARVIKA Systems. ISMAR 2002: 271-272
1EEStefan Nölle: Stereo Augmentation of Simulation Results on a Projection Wall by Combining Two Basic ARVIKA Systems. ISMAR 2002: 322

Coauthor Index

1Gudrun Klinker [3] [4]
2Toshikazu Ohshima [3]
3Marcus Tönnis [3]

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)