
Hans-Heinrich Nägeli

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5EESteve Casera, Hans-Heinrich Nägeli, Peter Kropf: A Collaborative Extension of a Visualization System. DFMA 2005: 176-182
4EETiberiu Rotaru, Hans-Heinrich Nägeli: Dynamic load balancing by diffusion in heterogeneous systems. J. Parallel Distrib. Comput. 64(4): 481-497 (2004)
3EETiberiu Rotaru, Hans-Heinrich Nägeli: Testbed for Adaptive Numerical Simulations in Heterogeneous Environments. PVM/MPI 2002: 88-95
2EETiberiu Rotaru, Hans-Heinrich Nägeli: Heterogeneous Dynamic Load Balancing. IWCC 2001: 136-144
1EETiberiu Rotaru, Hans-Heinrich Nägeli: Heterogeneous Dynamic Load Balancing with a Scheme Based on the Laplacian Polynomial. PPAM 2001: 107-114

Coauthor Index

1Steve Casera [5]
2Peter G. Kropf (Peter Kropf) [5]
3Tiberiu Rotaru [1] [2] [3] [4]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)