
D. Muthiayen

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6EEVangalur S. Alagar, D. Muthiayen: A Rigorous Approach to Modeling Autonomous Traffic Control Systems. ISADS 2003: 193-
5EEVangalur S. Alagar, Ramesh Achuthan, M. Haydar, D. Muthiayen, Olga Ormandjieva, Mao Zheng: A rigorous approach for constructing self-evolving real-time reactive systems. Information & Software Technology 45(11): 743-761 (2003)
4EEVangalur S. Alagar, D. Muthiayen: Towards a mechanical verification of real-time reactive systems modeled in UML. RTCSA 2000: 245-254
3EED. Muthiayen, Vangalur S. Alagar, Ferhat Khendek, A. Sefidcon: An approach to a synthesis of formal and visual description techniques for the development of real-time reactive systems. RTCSA 2000: 491-497
2EEKasilingam Periyasamy, Vangalur S. Alagar, D. Muthiayen: Verification and Validation Techniques of Object-Oriented Software Systems. TOOLS (30) 1999: 413-
1EEVangalur S. Alagar, D. Muthiayen, Ramesh Achuthan: Animating Real-Time Reactive Systems. ICECCS 1996: 181-188

Coauthor Index

1Ramesh Achuthan [1] [5]
2Vangalur S. Alagar (Vasu S. Alagar) [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6]
3M. Haydar [5]
4Ferhat Khendek [3]
5Olga Ormandjieva [5]
6Kasilingam Periyasamy [2]
7A. Sefidcon [3]
8Mao Zheng [5]

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)