
Luigi Musumeci

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11EEPaolo Giacomazzi, Luigi Musumeci, Gabriella Saddemi, Giacomo Verticale: Analytical Methods for Resource Allocation and Admission Control with Dual-Leaky-Bucket Regulated Traffic. ICC 2007: 499-505
10EEPaolo Giacomazzi, Luigi Musumeci, Gabriella Saddemi, Giacomo Verticale: Optimal Selection of Token Bucket Parameters for the Admission of Aggregate Flows in IP networks. GLOBECOM 2006
9EEPaolo Giacomazzi, Luigi Musumeci, Gabriella Saddemi, Giacomo Verticale: Two different approaches for providing QoS in the Internet backbone. Computer Communications 29(18): 3957-3969 (2006)
8EEPaolo Giacomazzi, Luigi Musumeci, Giuseppe Caizzone, Giacomo Verticale, G. Liggieri, A. Proietti, S. Sabatini: Quality of service for packet telephony over mobile ad hoc networks. IEEE Network 20(1): 12-20 (2006)
7EEPaolo Giacomazzi, Luigi Musumeci, Giacomo Verticale: An analytical model based on the ETSI criteria for the evaluation of user satisfaction in UMTS. Wireless Networks 12(6): 789-796 (2006)
6EEPaolo Giacomazzi, Luigi Musumeci, Giacomo Verticale: Management of Non-conformant TCP Traffic in IP DiffServ Networks. QoS-IP 2005: 249-259
5EEGiuseppe Caizzone, Paolo Giacomazzi, Luigi Musumeci, Gabriella Saddemi, Giacomo Verticale: Performance Analysis of a Flexible MAC Protocol for Real-Time Services in Vehicular Ad-Hoc Networks. IJWIN 12(3): 147-157 (2005)
4 Luigi Fratta, Luigi Musumeci: Performance Evaluation of Frame Relay, SMDS, and ABR Services in ATM Networks. Data Communications and their Performance 1995: 335-351
3 Luigi Fratta, Luigi Musumeci, Antonio Passalia, Giancarlo Rigolio: Performance of Frame Relay Services on ATM Networks. Data Communication Networks and their Performance 1993: 273-287
2 Giulio Barberis, Amilcare Bovo, Luigi Musumeci: Integration of ISDN packet services in a distributed switching system. ICCC 1988: 497-501
1 Riccardo Caldarella, Luigi Santagostino Barbone, Luigi Musumeci: Narrowband packet services in the linea ut exchanges for the Italian ISDN pilot service. ICCC 1988: 538-542

Coauthor Index

1Giulio Barberis [2]
2Luigi Santagostino Barbone [1]
3Amilcare Bovo [2]
4Giuseppe Caizzone [5] [8]
5Riccardo Caldarella [1]
6Luigi Fratta [3] [4]
7Paolo Giacomazzi [5] [6] [7] [8] [9] [10] [11]
8G. Liggieri [8]
9Antonio Passalia [3]
10A. Proietti [8]
11Giancarlo Rigolio [3]
12S. Sabatini [8]
13Gabriella Saddemi [5] [9] [10] [11]
14Giacomo Verticale [5] [6] [7] [8] [9] [10] [11]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)