
Sean Murphy

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16EESean Murphy, Howard Burkom: Decoupling Temporal Aberration Detection Algorithms for Enhanced Biosurveillance. BioSurveillance 2007: 103-113
15EEHoward Burkom, Sean Murphy: Data Classification for Selection of Temporal Alerting Methods for Biosurveillance. BioSurveillance 2007: 59-70
14EECarlos Cid, Sean Murphy, Matthew J. B. Robshaw: Small Scale Variants of the AES. FSE 2005: 145-162
13EECarlos Cid, Sean Murphy, Matthew J. B. Robshaw: An Algebraic Framework for Cipher Embeddings. IMA Int. Conf. 2005: 278-289
12EESean Murphy, Matthew J. B. Robshaw: Essential Algebraic Structure within the AES. CRYPTO 2002: 1-16
11 Sean Murphy, Matthew J. B. Robshaw: Key-Dependent S-Boxes and Differential Cryptanalysis. Des. Codes Cryptography 27(3): 229-255 (2002)
10EESean Murphy: An Analysis of SAFER. J. Cryptology 11(4): 235-251 (1998)
9 Diane Erdmann, Sean Murphy: An Approximate Distribution for the Maximum Order Complexity. Des. Codes Cryptography 10(3): 325-339 (1997)
8 Simon R. Blackburn, Sean Murphy, Kenneth G. Paterson: Comments on "Theory and Applications of Cellular Automata in Cryptography". IEEE Trans. Computers 46(5): 637-638 (1997)
7EESean Murphy: Corporate Metamorphosis: The Effects of the New Media. First Monday 1(1): (1996)
6 Donald W. Davies, Sean Murphy: Pairs and Triplets of DES S-Boxes. J. Cryptology 8(1): 1-25 (1995)
5 Simon R. Blackburn, Sean Murphy, Jacques Stern: The Cryptanalysis of a Public-Key Implementation of Finite Group Mappings. J. Cryptology 8(3): 157-166 (1995)
4EESean Murphy: Partnering with EDA Vendors: Tips, Techniques, and the Role of Standards. DAC 1994: 131-134
3 Sean Murphy, Kenneth G. Paterson, Peter R. Wild: A Weak Cipher that Generates the Symmetric Group. J. Cryptology 7(1): 61-65 (1994)
2EESimon R. Blackburn, Sean Murphy, Jacques Stern: Weakness of a Public-Key Cryptosystem Based on Factorizations of Finite Groups. EUROCRYPT 1993: 50-54
1 Sean Murphy: The Cryptanalysis of FEAL-4 with 20 Chosen Plaintexts. J. Cryptology 2(3): 145-154 (1990)

Coauthor Index

1Simon R. Blackburn [2] [5] [8]
2Howard Burkom [15] [16]
3Carlos Cid [13] [14]
4Donald W. Davies [6]
5Diane Erdmann [9]
6Kenneth G. Paterson [3] [8]
7Matthew J. B. Robshaw [11] [12] [13] [14]
8Jacques Stern [2] [5]
9Peter R. Wild [3]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)