
Paul W. Munro

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16EEPaul W. Munro: Learning Structurally Analogous Tasks. ICANN (2) 2008: 406-412
15 Qiang Ye, Paul W. Munro: Ensemble Selection Using Diversity Networks. DMIN 2006: 361-363
14EEQiang Ye, Paul W. Munro: Improving a Neural Network Classifier Ensemble with Multi-Task Learning. IJCNN 2006: 5164-5170
13EEJianghua Bao, Paul W. Munro: Structural Mapping with Identical Elements Neural Network. IJCNN 2006: 870-874
12EEGerardina Hernández, Jonathan Rubin, Paul W. Munro: The effect of spike redistribution in a reciprocally connected pair of neurons with spike timing-dependent plasticity. Neurocomputing 52-54: 347-353 (2003)
11EEPaul W. Munro, Gerardina Hernández: Time-dependent LTD as a stability factor. Neurocomputing 38-40: 775-780 (2001)
10EEPaul W. Munro, Gerardina Hernández: LTD Facilitates Learning in a Noisy Environment. NIPS 1999: 150-156
9EEThea B. Ghiselli-Crippa, Paul W. Munro: Effects of Spatial and Temporal Contiguity on the Acquisition of Spatial Information. NIPS 1999: 17-23
8EEPaul W. Munro: Book Review: "Mind: Introduction to Cognitive Science", by Paul Thagard. Int. J. Neural Syst. 8(5-6): 679-682 (1997)
7EEPaul W. Munro, Bambang Parmanto: Competition Among Networks Improves Committee Performance. NIPS 1996: 592-598
6EEBambang Parmanto, Paul W. Munro, Howard R. Doyle: Reducing Variance of Committee Prediction with Resampling Techniques. Connect. Sci. 8(3): 405-426 (1996)
5EEBambang Parmanto, Paul W. Munro, Howard R. Doyle: Improving Committee Diagnosis with Resampling Techniques. NIPS 1995: 882-888
4EEThea B. Ghiselli-Crippa, Paul W. Munro: Emergence of Global Structure from Local Associations. NIPS 1993: 1101-1108
3EEJ. Stephen Judd, Paul W. Munro: Nets with Unreliable Hidden Nodes Learn Error-Correcting Codes. NIPS 1992: 89-96
2EEPaul W. Munro: Repeat Until Bored: A Pattern Selection Strategy. NIPS 1991: 1001-1008
1EEPaul W. Munro, Mary Tabasko: Translating Locative Prepositions. NIPS 1990: 598-604

Coauthor Index

1Jianghua Bao [13]
2Howard R. Doyle [5] [6]
3Thea B. Ghiselli-Crippa [4] [9]
4Gerardina Hernández [10] [11] [12]
5J. Stephen Judd [3]
6Bambang Parmanto [5] [6] [7]
7Jonathan Rubin [12]
8Mary Tabasko [1]
9Qiang Ye [14] [15]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)