
Morton E. Munk

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15EEAndrey A. Korytko, Klaus-Peter Schulz, Mark S. Madison, Morton E. Munk: HOUDINI: A New Approach to Computer-Based Structure Generation. Journal of Chemical Information and Computer Sciences 43(5): 1434-1446 (2003)
14EEKlaus-Peter Schulz, Andrey A. Korytko, Morton E. Munk: Applications of a HOUDINI-Based Structure Elucidation System. Journal of Chemical Information and Computer Sciences 43(5): 1447-1456 (2003)
13EEMartin Badertscher, Kaspar Bischofberger, Morton E. Munk, Ernö Pretsch: A Novel Formalism To Characterize the Degree of Unsaturation of Organic Molecules. Journal of Chemical Information and Computer Sciences 41(4): 889-893 (2001)
12EEMorton E. Munk: Computer-Based Structure Determination: Then and Now. Journal of Chemical Information and Computer Sciences 38(6): 997-1009 (1998)
11EEMorton E. Munk, Mark S. Madison, Ernest W. Robb: The Neural Network as a Tool for Multispectral Interpretation. Journal of Chemical Information and Computer Sciences 36(2): 231-238 (1996)
10EERenate Bürgin Schaller, Morton E. Munk, Ernö Pretsch: Spectra Estimation for Computer-Aided Structure Determination. Journal of Chemical Information and Computer Sciences 36(2): 239-243 (1996)
9EEMarko Razinger, Krishnan Balasubramanian, Morton E. Munk: Graph automorphism perception algorithms in computer-enhanced structure elucidation. Journal of Chemical Information and Computer Sciences 33(2): 197-201 (1993)
8EEMarko Razinger, Krishnan Balasubramanian, Marko Perdih, Morton E. Munk: Stereoisomer generation in computer-enhanced structure elucidation. Journal of Chemical Information and Computer Sciences 33(6): 812-825 (1993)
7EEErnö Pretsch, Andras Furst, Martin Badertscher, Renate Buergin, Morton E. Munk: C13Shift: a computer program for the prediction of carbon-13 NMR spectra based on an open set of additivity rules. Journal of Chemical Information and Computer Sciences 32(4): 291-295 (1992)
6EEXiaoyu Liu, Krishnan Balasubramanian, Morton E. Munk: Computational techniques for vertex partitioning of graphs. Journal of Chemical Information and Computer Sciences 30(3): 263-269 (1990)
5EEAlan H. Lipkus, Morton E. Munk: Automated classification of candidate structures for computer-assisted structure elucidation. Journal of Chemical Information and Computer Sciences 28(1): 9-18 (1988)
4EEBradley D. Christie, Morton E. Munk: Structure generation by reduction: a new strategy for computer-assisted structure elucidation. Journal of Chemical Information and Computer Sciences 28(2): 87-93 (1988)
3EEAlan H. Lipkus, Morton E. Munk: Combinatorial problems in computer-assisted structural interpretation of carbon-13 NMR spectra. Journal of Chemical Information and Computer Sciences 25(1): 38-45 (1985)
2EECraig A. Shelley, Morton E. Munk: An Approach to the Assignment of Canonical Connection Tables and Topological Symmetry Perception. Journal of Chemical Information and Computer Sciences 19(4): 247-250 (1979)
1EECraig A. Shelley, Morton E. Munk: Computer Perception of Topological Symmetry. Journal of Chemical Information and Computer Sciences 17(2): 110-113 (1977)

Coauthor Index

1Martin Badertscher [7] [13]
2Krishnan Balasubramanian [6] [8] [9]
3Kaspar Bischofberger [13]
4Renate Buergin [7]
5Bradley D. Christie [4]
6Andras Furst [7]
7Andrey A. Korytko [14] [15]
8Alan H. Lipkus [3] [5]
9Xiaoyu Liu [6]
10Mark S. Madison [11] [15]
11Marko Perdih [8]
12Ernö Pretsch [7] [10] [13]
13Marko Razinger [8] [9]
14Ernest W. Robb [11]
15Renate Bürgin Schaller [10]
16Klaus-Peter Schulz [14] [15]
17Craig A. Shelley [1] [2]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)