
G. B. Mund

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5EEG. B. Mund, Rajib Mall: An efficient interprocedural dynamic slicing method. Journal of Systems and Software 79(6): 791-806 (2006)
4EEG. B. Mund, S. B. Rao, C. K. Mohapatra: Solutions of a problem of Ore on spanning trees and its generalization. Electronic Notes in Discrete Mathematics 15: 127-130 (2003)
3EEG. B. Mund, Rajib Mall, S. Sarkar: Computation of intraprocedural dynamic program slices. Information & Software Technology 45(8): 499-512 (2003)
2 G. B. Mund, Diganta Goswami, Rajib Mall: Program Slicing. The Compiler Design Handbook 2002: 269-294
1 G. B. Mund, Rajib Mall, S. Sarkar: An efficient dynamic program slicing technique. Information & Software Technology 44(2): 123-132 (2002)

Coauthor Index

1Diganta Goswami [2]
2Rajib Mall [1] [2] [3] [5]
3C. K. Mohapatra [4]
4S. B. Rao [4]
5S. Sarkar [1] [3]

Colors in the list of coauthors

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