
Jeffrey B. Mulligan

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7EEJeffrey B. Mulligan: Measurement of eye velocity using active illumination. ETRA 2008: 35-38
6EEJeffrey B. Mulligan: Optical eye models for gaze tracking. ETRA 2006: 51
5EEJeffrey B. Mulligan: A Tree-Structured Model of Visual Appearance Applied to Gaze Tracking. ISVC 2005: 303-312
4EEGeorg F. Meyer, Jeffrey B. Mulligan, Sophie M. Wuerger: Continuous audio-visual digit recognition using N-best decision fusion. Information Fusion 5(2): 91-101 (2004)
3 Xavier L. C. Brolly, Constantinos Stratelos, Jeffrey B. Mulligan: Model-based head pose estimation for air-traffic controllers. ICIP (2) 2003: 113-116
2EEJeffrey B. Mulligan: A software-based eye tracking system for the study of air-traffic displays. ETRA 2002: 69-76
1EEJeffrey B. Mulligan: Vision-Based Approaches to Digital Halftoning. PICS 2002: 1-4

Coauthor Index

1Xavier L. C. Brolly [3]
2Georg F. Meyer [4]
3Constantinos Stratelos [3]
4Sophie M. Wuerger [4]

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Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)