
Michael zur Muehlen

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18EEMichael zur Muehlen, Jan Recker: How Much Language Is Enough? Theoretical and Practical Use of the Business Process Modeling Notation. CAiSE 2008: 465-479
17EEMichael zur Muehlen, Danny T. Ho: Service Process Innovation: A Case Study of BPMN in Practice. HICSS 2008: 372
16EEHajo A. Reijers, Monique H. Jansen-Vullers, Michael zur Muehlen, Winfried Appl: Workflow Management Systems + Swarm Intelligence = Dynamic Task Assignment for Emergency Management Applications. BPM 2007: 125-140
15EEMichael Genrich, Alex Kokkonen, Jürgen Moormann, Michael zur Muehlen, Roger Tregear, Jan Mendling, Barbara Weber: Challenges for Business Process Intelligence: Discussions at the BPI Workshop 2007. Business Process Management Workshops 2007: 5-10
14EEMichael zur Muehlen, Marta Indulska, Gerrit Kamp: Business Process and Business Rule Modeling Languages for Compliance Management: A Representational Analysis. ER (Tutorials, Posters, Panels & Industrial Contributions) 2007: 127-132
13EEM. Brian Blake, Amy Lynn Sliva, Michael zur Muehlen, Jeffrey V. Nickerson: Binding Now or Binding Later: The Performance of UDDI Registries. HICSS 2007: 171
12EEShazia Wasim Sadiq, Claude Godart, Michael zur Muehlen: Workshop PC Chairs' Message. WISE Workshops 2007: 117
11EEMichael zur Muehlen, Danny Ting-Yi Ho: Risk Management in the BPM Lifecycle. Business Process Management Workshops 2005: 454-466
10EEMichael zur Muehlen, Jeffrey V. Nickerson, Keith D. Swenson: Developing web services choreography standards - the case of REST vs. SOAP. Decision Support Systems 40(1): 9-29 (2005)
9 Michael zur Muehlen, Michael Rosemann: Multi-Paradigm Process Management. CAiSE Workshops (2) 2004: 169-175
8EEMichael zur Muehlen, Jeffrey V. Nickerson, Mathias Weske: Web Services and Workflow: Composition, Collaboration, Coordination: Minitrack Introduction. HICSS 2004
7EEMichael zur Muehlen, Edward A. Stohr, J. Leon Zhao: Minitrack Introductio. HICSS 2002: 207
6EEMichael zur Muehlen, Michael Rosemann: Workflow-based Process Monitoring and Controlling - Technical and Organizational Issues. HICSS 2000
5EEMichael zur Muehlen, Florian Klein: AFRICA: Workflow Interoperability Based on XML-Messages. ISDO 2000
4EEMichael zur Muehlen, Christoph von Uthmann: Ein Framework zur Identifikation des Workflow-Potenzials von Prozessen. HMD - Praxis Wirtschaftsinform. 213: 67-79 (2000)
3EEJörg Becker, Michael zur Muehlen: Towards a Classification Framework for Application Granularity in Workflow Management Systems. CAiSE 1999: 411-416
2EEMichael zur Muehlen: Evaluation of Workflow Management Systems using Meta Models. HICSS 1999
1EEJörg Becker, Christoph von Uthmann, Michael zur Muehlen, Michael Rosemann: Identifying the Workflow Potential of Business Processes. HICSS 1999

Coauthor Index

1Winfried Appl [16]
2Jörg Becker [1] [3]
3M. Brian Blake [13]
4Michael Genrich [15]
5Claude Godart [12]
6Danny T. Ho [17]
7Danny Ting-Yi Ho [11]
8Marta Indulska [14]
9Monique H. Jansen-Vullers [16]
10Gerrit Kamp [14]
11Florian Klein [5]
12Alex Kokkonen [15]
13Jan Mendling [15]
14Jürgen Moormann [15]
15Jeffrey V. Nickerson [8] [10] [13]
16Jan Recker [18]
17Hajo A. Reijers [16]
18Michael Rosemann [1] [6] [9]
19Shazia Wasim Sadiq (Shazia W. Sadiq) [12]
20Amy Lynn Sliva [13]
21Edward A. Stohr [7]
22Keith D. Swenson [10]
23Roger Tregear [15]
24Christoph von Uthmann [1] [4]
25Barbara Weber [15]
26Mathias Weske [8]
27J. Leon Zhao [7]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)