
Adam Mrózek

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7 Krzysztof A. Cyran, Adam Mrózek: Rough sets in hybrid methods for pattern recognition. Int. J. Intell. Syst. 16(2): 149-168 (2001)
6 Krzysztof A. Cyran, Adam Mrózek: Rough sets in hybrid methods for pattern recognition. Int. J. Intell. Syst. 15(10): 919-938 (2000)
5EEAdam Mrózek, Krzysztof Skabek: Rough Rules in Prolog. Rough Sets and Current Trends in Computing 1998: 458-466
4 Adam Mrózek, Leszek Plonka: Knowledge Representation in Fuzzy and Rough Controllers. Fundam. Inform. 30(3/4): 299-311 (1997)
3 Leszek Plonka, Adam Mrózek: Rule-Based Stabilization of the Inverted Pendulum. Computational Intelligence 11: 348-356 (1995)
2 Adam Mrózek: A New Method for Discovering Rules from Examples in Expert Systems. International Journal of Man-Machine Studies 36(1): 127-143 (1992)
1 Adam Mrózek: Rough Sets and Dependency Analysis among Attributes in Computer Implementations of Expert's Inference Models. International Journal of Man-Machine Studies 30(4): 457-473 (1989)

Coauthor Index

1Krzysztof A. Cyran [6] [7]
2Leszek Plonka [3] [4]
3Krzysztof Skabek [5]

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