
S. N. I. Mount

Sarah Mount

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8EET. E. Daniel, Robert M. Newman, Elena I. Gaura, S. N. I. Mount: Complex query processing in wireless sensor networks. PM2HW2N 2007: 53-60
7EEJohn Burns, Andrée Woodcock, Elena I. Gaura, Robert M. Newman, Sarah Mount: Daisies on Mars: disseminating scientific information by use of developmental animation. IV 2006: 797-803
6EES. N. I. Mount, R. M. Newman, R. J. Low: ICODE: enabling the static checking of programs and their documentation. SIGDOC 2006: 121-128
5EES. N. I. Mount, Robert M. Newman, S. R. Lakin, R. J. Low, Elena I. Gaura: ASQue: an agent communication language for ad-hoc wireless sensor networks. EUROMICRO-SEAA 2005: 404-415
4EEAndrée Woodcock, John Burns, Sarah Mount, Robert M. Newman, Elena I. Gaura: Animating pervasive computing. SIGDOC 2005: 116-122
3EES. N. I. Mount, Elena I. Gaura, Robert M. Newman: Sensorium games: usability considerations for pervasive gaming. SIGDOC 2005: 146-150
2EES. N. I. Mount, Robert M. Newman, R. J. Low: Checking marked-up documentation for adherance to site-specific standards. SIGDOC 2005: 76-79
1EES. N. I. Mount, Robert M. Newman, R. J. Low, A. Mycroft: Exstatic: a generic static checker applied to documentation systems. SIGDOC 2004: 52-57

Coauthor Index

1John Burns [4] [7]
2T. E. Daniel [8]
3Elena I. Gaura [3] [4] [5] [7] [8]
4S. R. Lakin [5]
5R. J. Low [1] [2] [5] [6]
6A. Mycroft [1]
7Robert M. Newman (R. M. Newman) [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] [8]
8Andrée Woodcock [4] [7]

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)