
John Mount

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4 John Mount: Fast Unimodular Counting. Combinatorics, Probability & Computing 9(3): (2000)
3EERobert V. Stanton, John Mount, Jennifer L. Miller: Combinatorial Library Design: Maximizing Model-Fitting Compounds within Matrix Synthesis Constraints. Journal of Chemical Information and Computer Sciences 40(3): 701-705 (2000)
2 Martin E. Dyer, Ravi Kannan, John Mount: Sampling contingency tables. Random Struct. Algorithms 10(4): 487-506 (1997)
1 Prasad Chalasani, Oren Etzioni, John Mount: Integrating Efficient Model-Learning and Problem-Solving Algorithms in Permutation Environments. KR 1991: 89-98

Coauthor Index

1Prasad Chalasani [1]
2Martin E. Dyer [2]
3Oren Etzioni [1]
4Ravi Kannan (Ravindran Kannan) [2]
5Jennifer L. Miller [3]
6Robert V. Stanton [3]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)