
Regina Motz

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13EEGuzmán Llambías, Regina Motz, Alvaro Rettich, Marco Scalone: Multidimensional Semantic Web Services Matching. LA-WEB 2008: 115-120
12EEGuzmán Llambías, Regina Motz, Federico Toledo, Simon de Uvarow: Learning to Get the Value of Quality from Web Data. OTM Workshops 2008: 1018-1025
11EERegina Motz, Raquel Sosa, Andrea Rodríguez: Recycling Course Web Pages for the Semantic Web. LA-WEB 2006: 82-90
10EERegina Motz: Dynamic Maintenance of an Integrated Schema. From Integrated Publication and Information Systems to Virtual Information and Knowledge Environments 2005: 21-30
9EEC. Deco, C. Bender, J. Saer, M. Chiari, Regina Motz: Semantic Refinement for Web Information Retrieval. LA-WEB 2005: 106-110
8EEJacqueline Guzmán, Regina Motz: Towards an Adaptive Cultural E-Learning System. LA-WEB 2005: 183-186
7 Regina Motz, Raul Ruggia, Jorge Abin, Adriana Marotta, Fernando Carpani, Verónika Peralta: Proyecto SICO: Sistemas de Información en un entorno Cooperativo. JISBD 2003: 501-508
6EERegina Motz: Problems in the Maintenance of a Federated Database Schema. SCCC 2002: 124-132
5 Adriana Marotta, Regina Motz, Raul Ruggia: Managing Source Schema Evolution in Web Warehouse. J. Braz. Comp. Soc. 8(2): 20-31 (2002)
4 Adriana Marotta, Regina Motz, Raul Ruggia: Managing Source Schema Evolution in Web Warehouses. Workshop on Information Integration on the Web 2001: 148-155
3EEAlejandro Gutierrez, Regina Motz, Daniel Viera: Building Databases with Information Extracted from Web Documents. SCCC 2000: 41-49
2EERegina Motz: Propagation of Structural Modifications to an Integrated Schema. ADBIS 1998: 163-174
1EERegina Motz, Peter Fankhauser: Propagation of Sematic Modifications to an Integrated Schema. CoopIS 1998: 332-340

Coauthor Index

1Jorge Abin [7]
2C. Bender [9]
3Fernando Carpani [7]
4M. Chiari [9]
5C. Deco [9]
6Peter Fankhauser [1]
7Alejandro Gutierrez [3]
8Jacqueline Guzmán [8]
9Guzmán Llambías [12] [13]
10Adriana Marotta [4] [5] [7]
11Verónika Peralta (Verónika del Carmen Peralta Costabel) [7]
12Alvaro Rettich [13]
13Andrea Rodríguez [11]
14Raul Ruggia [4] [5] [7]
15J. Saer [9]
16Marco Scalone [13]
17Raquel Sosa [11]
18Federico Toledo [12]
19Simon de Uvarow [12]
20Daniel Viera [3]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)