2008 |
21 | EE | Emilia Mendes,
Nile Mosley:
Bayesian Network Models for Web Effort Prediction: A Comparative Study.
IEEE Trans. Software Eng. 34(6): 723-737 (2008) |
2005 |
20 | EE | Emilia Mendes,
Steve Counsell,
Nile Mosley:
Towards a Taxonomy of Hypermedia and Web Application Size Metrics.
ICWE 2005: 110-123 |
19 | EE | Emilia Mendes,
Nile Mosley,
Steve Counsell:
Exploring case-based reasoning for web hypermedia project cost estimation.
Int. J. Web Eng. Technol. 2(1): 117-143 (2005) |
18 | EE | Emilia Mendes,
Nile Mosley,
Steve Counsell:
Investigating Web size metrics for early Web cost estimation.
Journal of Systems and Software 77(2): 157-172 (2005) |
2003 |
17 | EE | Emilia Mendes,
Nile Mosley,
Steve Counsell:
Do adaptation rules improve web cost estimation?
Hypertext 2003: 173-183 |
16 | EE | Emilia Mendes,
Nile Mosley,
Steve Counsell:
Early Web Size Measures and Effort Prediction for Web Costimation.
IEEE METRICS 2003: 18-29 |
15 | EE | Emilia Mendes,
Nile Mosley,
Steve Counsell:
A Replicated Assessment of the Use of Adaptation Rules to Improve Web Cost Estimation.
ISESE 2003: 100-109 |
14 | | Emilia Mendes,
Ian D. Watson,
Chris Triggs,
Nile Mosley,
Steve Counsell:
A Comparative Study of Cost Estimation Models for Web Hypermedia Applications.
Empirical Software Engineering 8(2): 163-196 (2003) |
2002 |
13 | EE | Emilia Mendes,
Nile Mosley,
Steve Counsell:
The Application of Case-Based Reasoning to Early Web Project Cost Estimation.
COMPSAC 2002: 393-398 |
12 | | Ian D. Watson,
Emilia Mendes,
Chris Triggs,
Nile Mosley,
Steve Counsell:
Using CBR to Estimate Development Effort for Web Hypermedia Applications.
FLAIRS Conference 2002: 132-136 |
11 | EE | Emilia Mendes,
Ian D. Watson,
Chris Triggs,
Nile Mosley,
Steve Counsell:
A Comparison of Development Effort Estimation Techniques for Web Hypermedia Applications.
IEEE METRICS 2002: 131-140 |
10 | EE | Emilia Mendes,
Nile Mosley:
Further Investigation into the Use of CBR and Stepwise Regression to Predict Development Effort for Web Hypermedia Applications.
ISESE 2002: 79-90 |
9 | EE | Emilia Mendes,
Nile Mosley,
Ian Watson:
A comparison of case-based reasoning approaches.
WWW 2002: 272-280 |
8 | | Emilia Mendes,
Nile Mosley,
Steve Counsell:
Comparison of Web size measures for predicting Web design and authoring effort.
IEE Proceedings - Software 149(3): 86-92 (2002) |
7 | | Emilia Mendes,
Steve Counsell,
Nile Mosley:
Web hypermedia cost estimation: further assessment and comparison of cost estimation modelling techniques.
The New Review of Hypermedia and Multimedia 8: (2002) |
2001 |
6 | EE | Emilia Mendes,
Nile Mosley:
Comparing Effort Prediction Models for Web Design and Authoring Using Boxplots.
ACSC 2001: 125-133 |
5 | EE | Emilia Mendes,
Nile Mosley,
Steve Counsell:
Using an Engineering Approach to Understanding and Predicting Web Authoring and Design.
HICSS 2001 |
4 | EE | Emilia Mendes,
Steve Counsell,
Nile Mosley:
Towards the prediction of development effort for hypermedia applications.
Hypertext 2001: 249-258 |
3 | EE | Emilia Mendes,
Nile Mosley,
Steve Counsell:
The cognitive flexibility theory0: an approach for teaching Hypermedia Engineering.
ITiCSE 2001: 21-24 |
2 | EE | Emilia Mendes,
Steve Counsell,
Nile Mosley:
Measurement and Effort Prediction for Web Applications.
Web Engineering 2001: 295-310 |
1 | EE | Emilia Mendes,
Nile Mosley,
Steve Counsell:
Web Metrics-Estimating Design and Authoring Effort.
IEEE MultiMedia 8(1): 50-57 (2001) |