
Simone Morosi

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11EEFrancesco Chiti, Romano Fantacci, Simone Morosi, Lorenzo Niccolai: Improving Localization of Mobile Agents: the Approach of Averaged Dirty Templates in IR-UWB Ranging. GLOBECOM 2008: 838-842
10EESimone Morosi, Tiziano Bianchi: Frequency domain detectors for ultra-wideband communications in short-range systems. IEEE Transactions on Communications 56(2): 245-253 (2008)
9EESimone Morosi, Romano Fantacci, Enrico Del Re, Rosalba Suffritti: Soft Demapping and Iterative Decoding for Satellite Communications. ICC 2007: 4432-4437
8EESimone Morosi, Romano Fantacci, Enrico Del Re, Angela Chiassai: Design of Turbo-MUD Receivers for Overloaded CDMA Systems by Density Evolution Technique. IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications 6(10): 3552-3557 (2007)
7EETiziano Bianchi, Simone Morosi: Comparison of Pulse Repetition and Cyclic Prefix Communication Techniques for Impulse Radio UWB Systems. GLOBECOM 2006
6EESimone Morosi, Tiziano Bianchi: Frequency domain detectors for ultra-wideband indoor communications. IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications 5(10): 2654-2658 (2006)
5EESimone Morosi, Romano Fantacci, Enrico Del Re, Leonardo Goratti: Performance of the bi-orthogonal modulation for ultra-wideband communication systems with multiple access interference. Wireless Communications and Mobile Computing 5(1): 5-14 (2005)
4EELorenzo Mucchi, Simone Morosi, Enrico Del Re, Romano Fantacci: A new algorithm for blind adaptive multiuser detection in frequency selective multipath fading channel. IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications 3(1): 235-247 (2004)
3EERomano Fantacci, Dania Marabissi, Simone Morosi: Performance analysis and optimization of a space-time selective PIC for CDMA systems. IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications 3(2): 359-366 (2004)
2 Enrico Del Re, Romano Fantacci, Simone Morosi, S. Marapodi: A Low-Complexity Multiuser Detector for Asynchronous CDMA QPSK Adaptive Antenna Array Systems. Wireless Networks 9(4): 373-378 (2003)
1EEEnrico Del Re, Romano Fantacci, Simone Morosi, G. Vivaldi: A low-complexity multiuser detector for up-link CDMA QPSK mobile radio communications. Wireless Networks 5(6): 461-465 (1999)

Coauthor Index

1Tiziano Bianchi [6] [7] [10]
2Angela Chiassai [8]
3Francesco Chiti [11]
4Romano Fantacci [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [8] [9] [11]
5Leonardo Goratti [5]
6Dania Marabissi [3]
7S. Marapodi [2]
8Lorenzo Mucchi [4]
9Lorenzo Niccolai [11]
10Enrico Del Re [1] [2] [4] [5] [8] [9]
11Rosalba Suffritti [9]
12G. Vivaldi [1]

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)