
Iwao Morishita

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2 Ryoichi Mori, Yuzo Kita, Iwao Morishita, Kiyoto Ohkawa, Seishi Nishikawa, Akio Tojo, Akio Kobubu, Yoshikuni Okada, Shunichi Uchida: Microcomputer Applications in Japan. IEEE Computer 12(5): 64-74 (1979)
1 Koichiro Deguchi, Iwao Morishita: Texture Characterization and Texture-Based Image Partitioning Using Two-Dimensional Linear Estimation Technique. IEEE Trans. Computers 27(8): 739-745 (1978)

Coauthor Index

1Koichiro Deguchi [1]
2Yuzo Kita [2]
3Akio Kobubu [2]
4Ryoichi Mori [2]
5Seishi Nishikawa [2]
6Kiyoto Ohkawa [2]
7Yoshikuni Okada [2]
8Akio Tojo [2]
9Shunichi Uchida [2]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)