
Masato Morisaki

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5 Kazunari Irie, Norihisa Ohta, Kouichi Suto, Masato Morisaki, Hisao Tsuji: Large Capacity Multiplex-Port Brouter with SDH Interface for Regional PC Communication Network System. ICC (3) 1997: 1602-1606
4EEYutaka Kataoka, Masato Morisaki, Hiroshi Kuribayashi, Hiroyoshi Ohara: A Model for Input and Output for Multilingual Text in a Windowing Environment. ACM Trans. Inf. Syst. 10(4): 438-451 (1992)
3EEYutaka Kataoka, Masato Morisaki, Hiroshi Kuribayashi, Hiroyoshi Ohara: A model for input and output of multilingual text in a windowing environment. UIST 1991: 175-183
2EEMasato Morisaki, Etsuo Kawada, Hiroshi Kuribayashi, Seiji Kuwari, Masahiko Narita: XJp system: an internationalized language interface for the X Window system. UIST 1991: 185-194
1 Masato Morisaki, Kô Sakai: A Complete Axiom System for Rational Sets with Multiplicity. Theor. Comput. Sci. 11: 79-92 (1980)

Coauthor Index

1Kazunari Irie [5]
2Yutaka Kataoka [3] [4]
3Etsuo Kawada [2]
4Hiroshi Kuribayashi [2] [3] [4]
5Seiji Kuwari [2]
6Masahiko Narita [2]
7Hiroyoshi Ohara [3] [4]
8Norihisa Ohta [5]
9Kô Sakai [1]
10Kouichi Suto [5]
11Hisao Tsuji [5]

Colors in the list of coauthors

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