
Brice Morin

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5EEBrice Morin, Franck Fleurey, Nelly Bencomo, Jean-Marc Jézéquel, Arnor Solberg, Vegard Dehlen, Gordon S. Blair: An Aspect-Oriented and Model-Driven Approach for Managing Dynamic Variability. MoDELS 2008: 782-796
4EEBrice Morin, Gilles Vanwormhoudt, Philippe Lahire, Alban Gaignard, Olivier Barais, Jean-Marc Jézéquel: Managing Variability Complexity in Aspect-Oriented Modeling. MoDELS 2008: 797-812
3EEFranck Fleurey, Vegard Dehlen, Nelly Bencomo, Brice Morin, Jean-Marc Jézéquel: Modeling and Validating Dynamic Adaptation. MoDELS Workshops 2008: 97-108
2EEBrice Morin, Olivier Barais, Jean-Marc Jézéquel: Weaving Aspect Configurations for Managing System Variability. VaMoS 2008: 53-62
1EEPhilippe Lahire, Brice Morin, Gilles Vanwormhoudt, Alban Gaignard, Olivier Barais, Jean-Marc Jézéquel: Introducing Variability into Aspect-Oriented Modeling Approaches. MoDELS 2007: 498-513

Coauthor Index

1Olivier Barais [1] [2] [4]
2Nelly Bencomo [3] [5]
3Gordon S. Blair [5]
4Vegard Dehlen [3] [5]
5Franck Fleurey [3] [5]
6Alban Gaignard [1] [4]
7Jean-Marc Jézéquel [1] [2] [3] [4] [5]
8Philippe Lahire [1] [4]
9Arnor Solberg [5]
10Gilles Vanwormhoudt [1] [4]

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)