
Samuel Morillas

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12EESamuel Morillas, Valentín Gregori, Guillermo Peris-Fajarnés: Isolating impulsive noise pixels in color images by peer group techniques. Computer Vision and Image Understanding 110(1): 102-116 (2008)
11EEJoan-Gerard Camarena, Valentín Gregori, Samuel Morillas, Almanzor Sapena: Fast detection and removal of impulsive noise using peer groups and fuzzy metrics. J. Visual Communication and Image Representation 19(1): 20-29 (2008)
10EESamuel Morillas, Valentín Gregori, Guillermo Peris-Fajarnés, Almanzor Sapena: Local self-adaptive fuzzy filter for impulsive noise removal in color images. Signal Processing 88(2): 390-398 (2008)
9EESamuel Morillas, Stefan Schulte, Tom Mélange, Etienne E. Kerre, Valentín Gregori: A Soft-Switching Approach to Improve Visual Quality of Colour Image Smoothing Filters. ACIVS 2007: 254-261
8EESamuel Morillas, Stefan Schulte, Etienne E. Kerre, Guillermo Peris-Fajarnés: A New Fuzzy Impulse Noise Detection Method for Colour Images. SCIA 2007: 492-501
7EEJulio Riquelme, Samuel Morillas, Guillermo Peris-Fajarnés, Dolores Castro: Fuzzy Metrics Application in Video Spatial Deinterlacing. WILF 2007: 349-354
6EESamuel Morillas, Valentín Gregori, Julio Riquelme, Beatriz Defez, Guillermo Peris-Fajarnés: Fuzzy Directional-Distance Vector Filter. WILF 2007: 355-361
5EEStefan Schulte, Samuel Morillas, Valentín Gregori, Etienne E. Kerre: A New Fuzzy Color Correlated Impulse Noise Reduction Method. IEEE Transactions on Image Processing 16(10): 2565-2575 (2007)
4EESamuel Morillas, Valentín Gregori, Almanzor Sapena: Fuzzy Bilateral Filtering for Color Images. ICIAR (1) 2006: 138-145
3EEJoan-Gerard Camarena, Valentín Gregori, Samuel Morillas, Guillermo Peris-Fajarnés: New Method for Fast Detection and Removal of Impulsive Noise Using Fuzzy Metrics. ICIAR (1) 2006: 359-369
2EESamuel Morillas, Valentín Gregori, Guillermo Peris-Fajarnés, Pedro Latorre: A New Vector Median Filter Based on Fuzzy Metrics. ICIAR 2005: 81-90
1EESamuel Morillas, Valentín Gregori, Guillermo Peris-Fajarnés, Pedro Latorre: A fast impulsive noise color image filter using fuzzy metrics. Real-Time Imaging 11(5-6): 417-428 (2005)

Coauthor Index

1Joan-Gerard Camarena [3] [11]
2Dolores Castro [7]
3Beatriz Defez [6]
4Valentín Gregori [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [9] [10] [11] [12]
5Etienne E. Kerre [5] [8] [9]
6Pedro Latorre [1] [2]
7Tom Mélange [9]
8Guillermo Peris-Fajarnés [1] [2] [3] [6] [7] [8] [10] [12]
9Julio Riquelme [6] [7]
10Almanzor Sapena [4] [10] [11]
11Stefan Schulte [5] [8] [9]

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)